Rapid Index
Family Stories
Morphew/Murphy Story
Eckart Family Story
Steelman Story
Family Stories
Morphew/Murphy Story
Eckart Family Story
Steelman Story
Rapid Index
(Key name/birth date)
Allumbaugh, Garrett 1789
Bane, Mordecai ~1683
Blake, David 1764
Blake, John ~1640
Bobbitt, Isham 1754
Boone, Squire 1696
Brous, Henry ~1740
Brous, Peter 1783
Burk, James ~1705
Chambers, Henry ~1755
Chambers, James A. 1728
Daggett, John ~1602
Eckart, Victor ~1871
Eckart, William~1815
Eckart, Wm.F. 1843
Eggers, Daniel 1752
Eggers, Geo 1715
Eggers, Landrine 1757
Ellison, James 1776
Ellison, Stewart 1809
Frontier Alarms 1774
Green, Garret ~1730
Hogans - No Parents
Hogans, Daniel ~1740
Hogan, David 1759
Hogan from Fairfield,GA
Hogan, Humph ~1740
Hogan, Humphrey ~1682
Hogan, James ~1728
Hogan, John ~1715
Hogan, John ~1720
Hogan, John "II" ~1745
Hogan, Philip 1750's
Hogan, Prosser 1761
Hogan, Thomas ~1716
Hogan, Thomas ~1735
Hogan, William ~1675
Hogan, William ~1695
Hogan, William ~1705
Hogan, William 1777
Hogan, William B. ~1785
Jones, Lewis 1784
Jones, Mathew 1813
Jones, Samuel 1756
Klaumann, Herm.1851
Klaumann, Jn ~1818
Morphew, Aaron 1796
Morphew, James~1715
Morphew, James~1750
Morphew, James 1805
Morphew, Jos. 1775
Morphew, Silas~1752
Morphew, Wm 1829
Morphews, unknown
Murphey, John (~1680)
Murphy, Cal 1860
Murphy, Garrett1850
Murphy, Jas W 1876
Murphy, Riley 1853
Powell, Rowland ~1670
Schoch, Michael 1733
Stauss, Balter ~1711
Steelman, Chas I ~1705
Steelman, Chas II ~1745
Steelman, Jonath 1782
Steelman, Peter ~1667
Steyer, Andrew 1827
Stoess, John ~1700
Tatam, William ~1565
Tatem, John ~1716
Tatem, Nathaniel ~1625
Tatem, Nathaniel ~1715
Tatem, Nathaniel ~1747
Tatoms From Virginia
Tatum, Christopher 1683
Tatum, Edward ~1675
Tatum, Edward ~1730
Tatum, George ~1721
Tatum, John ca1640
Tatum, James ~1755
Tatum, Joseph ~1705
Tatum, Nathaniel 1599
Tatum, Nathaniel II 1635
Tatum, Nathaniel ~1670
Tatum, No Identified Parents
Tatum, Peter ~1675
Tatum, Samuel ~1695
Tatum, Samuel I ~1640
Tatum, Samuel II ~1674
Teagarden, Abraham I 1689
Wadlows From Maryland
Wadlow, Thomas ~1710
Wadlow, William ~1745
Wilcockson, David 1742
Wilcockson, Geo 1692
Wilcockson, John 1720
Wilcockson, Sam 1755
Wilcoxon, John 1671
Willcoxen, Squire 1778
New in 2023
Philip Hogan (ca1760 to 1825) of Montgomery Co., VA.
Six children migrate to very early Indiana.
Hogans from Union County, South Carolina to KY, TN, & AR
1st generation James Hogan (ca1735/40 - ~1810)
2nd generation: James Hogan (~1760/65 - 1811+)
3rd generation Ewing Hogan (1795 - 1860)
New in 2022
Thomas Hogans, Sr. (ca1735-1786)
+ wife Ann Eirls/Earls of Richmond County, Virginia
Hogans from Fairfield and Kershaw Counties, South Carolina
expanded from chapter - William Hogan (ca1675) + Elizabeth Griffin of Brunswick Co. VA. line
Daniel Hogan (ca1740/45 - 1801+) of Warren Co., Georgia
and William Hogan (~1786-1856) + Narcissa Goza (1793-1868) of Washington Counties, GA and Louisiana
Updated 2022
Fauquier Hogan
Logan Co., KY Hogans belong to Wm. Hogan (ca1695)
Martin Hogan in Frederick Co., VA
William, son of Thos. Hogan "I" in Prince William Co. VA
Jordan Calaway Murphy (1860 - 1939)
New information, more details
Tatoms from Virginia
New details on Stephen Tatom "I" (ca1721-1789) and his Dickson Co., TN Descendants
Hogans from Hanover, Louisa, Goochland Co., Virginia
New Findings
Revised - Hugh Hogan (ca1680-1743) now Patriarch
Are there one or two James Hogan?
New Debate Details
One migrates to Simpson Co. KY and other to Bedford Co., VA
New changes to John Hogan (ca1730/35 - 1772/74 + wife Judith
Tatums whose Parents are not known
More details on Wilkins Tatum and Dickson Co., TN
New in 2021
Anson County, North Carolina Hogans
James Hogan (~1728 to 1793) and wife Silence _ (died 1802)
Includes their children and where they migrated
Early Hogans - No Parents Found Yet
William R. Hogan (~1780 to 1836 Madison Co. Ky.) and wife Lavina Mullen
James Hogan (ca1760 - 1823 Simpson Co. Ky.) and his 2 sons
Alexander P. Hogan (1783 Va to 1881? Missouri)
Nathaniel S. Hogan (1806 Va to 1870+ Mo.)
James Hogan (~1791 to 1865) of Barren County, Kentucky + wife Ann Baldock (~1804 - 1865)
John Hogan "II" (ca1745 to 1798) and wife Elizabeth Penix (ca1750 to 1811+)
Writeup expanded from "Hogans from Hanover, Louisa, and Goochland Co's, Virginia.
Updated 2021
William B. Hogan (1780/90 - 1835) of Barren Co. Kentucky and 2nd wife Sally D. Mallory (~1801 to 1889)
Additional children:
William S. Hogan (1816-1900) + Mary Adams and ??? James A. Hogan (~1819-1880) + wife Sarah Mayfield.
New in 2020
Pittsylvania-Anson Georgia Hogans
William Hogan "I" (ca1675 to 1734) + wife Elizabeth Griffin
Hogans from Halifax-Pittsylvania, Virginia. Includes...
William Griffin Hogan (~1730), Shadrach Hogan (ca1735), & Griffin Hogan (ca1755)
Virginia Hogans from Louisa, Hanover, & Goochland Counties
William Hogan (~1705-1794)
John Hogan (~1715-1790?)
Virginia Hogans from Fauquier & Prince William Counties
William Hogan (~1695-1754)
John Hogan (~1720-1778)
Thomas Hogan (~1716-1779)
Three Hogan Brothers in Early Kentucky
Prosser Hogan (1761-1830)
Philip Hogan (1750's - 1815)
David Hogan (1759-1858)
Search for Parents of William B. Hogan (~1785 - 1835) of Simpson & Barren Counties, Kentucky
New in 2019
Abraham Teagarden "I" (1689)
New to Website with New Early Findings
Six Grandsons in Am. Revolution
Henry Brous (1740's - 1821)
New Findings About His Family
John Tatum (ca1640 - 1725)
New to Website
Tatums of Northampton Co., Virginia and Currituck Co., North Carolina
New in 2018
Rev. James A. Chambers (1728 - 1828)
New: Maryland, Tn/N.C., Indiana
Henry Chambers (~1755 - ~1812)
New - Ashe County, North Carolina
Was He 1/2 Cherokee?
John Wilcoxon (1671 - 1716)
New - Prince George's County, Maryland
Descendant Line Now Being Researched
Squire Willcoxen (1778-1863)
New info on son: James Franklin Wilcoxen "I" (1815-1866)
New in 2017
Stoess: Johannes (1700), George (1707) and Stauss, Balter (1711)
New - German Parish Records before Philadelphia Co., Pa.
William Tatam (~1565 to 1603), Carpenter
Read his wild battle with Bubonic Plague in London, England
Two children survived - Nathaniel Tatam/Tatum (born 1599) and Samuel Tatam/Tatem (1594)
Edward Tatum 1730-1810 of Pendleton District, South Carolina
New Chapter: Grandson of Edward Tatum (1675-1739)
Descendants in Southern US expanded; including: Tennessee's Jesse Tatum (~1768-1830) + wife Amy
Tennessee's Edward Tatum (~1762-1840+) + wife Sarah
Edward Tatum (1675 to 1739)
Chapter now divided into two including Peter Tatum (ca1735-1782) + wife Winnifred of N.C.
New in 2016
James Burk Chapter Expanded
5 sons of John Burk (1760-1836):
(1) James Burk 1782, (2) William Burk 1785
(3) Jessie Burk 1791, (4) John Burk Jr. 1797
(5) Lewis Burk 1799
Tatoms From Virginia Chapter
John Tatom (1758-1824 Dickson Co., Tn.)
Much More on His Children
Peter Tatum (1675-1771) Chapter
Edward Tatum III (~1779-1852) Children
Jesse Tatum II (~1760-1805 Tennessee)
Edward Tatum" (1670/80 to 1739) Chapter
New to Chapter
Many New Descendants
Tatums - No Identified Parents
John Murphey/Morphew (~1680-1742)
Westmoreland + Richmond Co's, Virginia
New in 2015
Mariner Tatems of Norfolk County, Virginia in 4 chapters:
Chapter 1
- Nathaniel Tatem "I" (ca1620-1687)
- Nathaniel Tatem "II" (ca1660-1711)
- Nathaniel Tatem "III" (_ to 1739)
Chapter 2
- Nathaniel Tatem "IV" (~1715-1771)
Chapter 3
- John Tatem (~1716-1776) line
Chapter 4
- Nathaniel Tatem "V" (1745/50 - 1792)
Tatoms from Virginia - Search for their Origins
New Kent, King William, Spotsylvania Co, Va.
Granville & Orange Counties, North Carolina
Wilkes & Lincoln Counties, Georgia
Michael Schoch or Shoch (1733 - 1819)
of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
Stoess, Stauss, & Stouse of Phila. Co. Pa.
John Stoess (~1700- ~1764)
George Stoess (1707-1780)
Balthasar Stauss (1711-1782)
New in 2014
John Daggett/Doggett (~1602 to 1673) of
New to Website
Watertown/Rehoboth/Martha Vineyard
Island/Plymouth and descendants
John Blake (~1640 to 1700) of Massachusetts
New to Website
Plymouth Colony and Wrentham and descendants
Henry Tatum (~1680 to 1727)
New to 2013 Website