Joseph Morphew
Born Various dates from 1 January 1771 in North Carolina*. Better is 1775 or 1776.
Died: Once thought to be 10 December 1851 in Monroe Township, Putnam Co., Indiana, but this date, in fact, may refer to his son, Joseph Morphew, Jr. Joseph Senior lived beyond 1820+ and possibly as late as 1840.
Married: Avis Eggers about 1797 at Ashe County, North Carolina, probably at the
Three Forks Baptist Church (now Watauga County).
Parents: James Morphew (~ 1750 to ~1829) and Betty Chadwick (~ 1754 to ~1830)
Avis Eggers
Born: about 1778, possibly in Rowan County, North Carolina
Died: 24 March 1823*. One family record states death in Lee County, Virginia.
Parents: Daniel Eggers, Sr. (26 April 1752 in New Jersey to 1828 in Indiana.) and Phoebe Rider (born 5 January 1755 – <1820)
* Date from Bible of James Morphew (1805)
2nd Edition Morphew/Murphy Story – J.R. Murphy, last revision 2 January 2011
*See special map of Westward Movement of the Morphews from Virginia to Indiana – map7.TIF
Where Joseph + Avis Morphew lived is not resolved, therefore the following locations and dates may change:
(1) Wilkes/Ashe County, North Carolina, about 1797 to 1811
(2) Location undetermined 1812 – 1819. Probably 1813 at Franklin County,
Indiana (tax record, but a questionable Morphew or non-related Murphy)
(3) ??Preble County, Ohio in 1819 when daughter Pheoby marries J. Aldridge
(4) Franklin County, Indiana, in 1820 (census)
(5) Preble County, Ohio in 1821 (county tax record – last real record for Joseph)
(5) Lee County, Virginia, in 1823 (from a family record for Avis Morphew)
(6) (possibly) Putnam County, Indiana, in 1840 (census)
Joseph probably met Avis where the Egger family was living near the Three Forks Church, east of Boone, North Carolina. Avis Eggers, future wife of Joseph Morphew, is noted on their membership rolls. This church was organized in 6 November 1790 by Avis’s father, Daniel Eggers, his wife, B. B. Eggers (Ayers?), Ellender Greene and others.
Membership listings for the 1790 – 1800 era (with relationships added) include:
Daniel Eggers, wife Pheobe Eggers, daughter Avis Eggers
Sarah (Morphew) Coleman
Samuel Wilcoxon, Sr., wife Anna Wilcoxon, Samuel Wilcoxson, Jr.
Ezekiel England
Landrine Eggers and wife Joannah Eggers
Daniel Eggers, Jr., wife Mahala Eggers
Elizabeth Morphew, wife of Silas Morphew
Lyon Wilcoxon. Individual is not identified.
The following were dismissed by letter, indicating a move to another area and church: Samuel Wilcoxen, Anna Wilcoxon, Samuel Wilcoxen, Jr. in 1797. Excommunicated are Ezekiel England, 1795, Landrine Eggers in 1797, Samuel Wilcoxon, Jr. in 1798, Daniel and Pheobe Eggers, with Mahala Eggers in 1799. From “History of Watauga County, N.C.,” by John Preston Arthur, 1915.
Joseph and Avis were married in 1797, undoubtedly at the church. Mrs. Charles R. Long reported that their marriage was the first at that church. (From "Watauga County, N.C. Heritage," by Curtis Smalling, Editior, 1987, page 159-160 – Joseph and Avis Eggers Morphew by Mrs. Charles Long)
By 1800, they were living in Wilkes County, probably along Elk Creek near James Morphew, Sr. Shortly thereafter his father-in-law Daniel Eggers probably encouraged Joseph to move to New River area, as well as his brother James Morphew, Jr. who also lived in the area.
On 15 October 1804, Joseph Morphew, of Ashe County, purchased 100 acres of Ashe County land from James Jackson on New River for $200. Witnesses to the deed were his father-in-law Daniel Eggers, his brother-in-law James Eggers, and Elisha Chambers. The deed was registered in the November term 1805. (Ashe County Deeds, Book B., page 368).
On April Fool’s Day 1806, Joseph sold for $200 this same tract of 100 acres to Daniel Eggers, Jr. both noted living in Ashe County. This land was on the South Fork of New River and crossed the river. Signed: Joseph Morphew. Witnessed: James Eggers and Daniel Eggers. Acknowledge by Joseph Morphew in order to be registered in the August 1811 term. (Ashe County Deed Book V, page 441)
By order of the September 1807 Ashe County court, Daniel Eggers, Sr., Daniel Eggers Jr., Ephraim Norris, Sr., Ephraim Norris, Jr., Joseph Morphew, Landrine Eggers, and others, be a jury to view and lay off a road from the turnpike road by Ephraim Norris and into the turnpike road again, likewise to the Indian graves on Meat Camp.
On 4 October 1811, Joseph Morphew, of Ashe County, sold to Ephriam Norris, of Ashe County, his brother-in-law, 150 acres of land along Elk Creek in Wilkes County, not far from James Morphew, Sr. There appears to be an identical record (date, names, acreage), both of Ashe County, filed in Wilkes County records, mentioning the land to be Boons Branch, but not more specific. The date of purchase by Joseph Morphew is not known at this time.
On _ October 1811, "Joseph Murphew" witnessed the deed of his father-in-law Daniel Eggers Senior to Edmond Blackburn of 65 acres on New River in Ashe County. Ephraim Norris was also a witness. The deed was registered in the November term 1811 (Ashe County Deeds, Book V, page 460).
These deeds are the last mention of Joseph Morphew in North Carolina before he joins the general migration northwest for better lands in newly opened Ohio and Indiana. The first Morphews westward included his brother Nathan, perhaps followed in June 1807 by another brother James Morphew, Jr. From this point in time onward, the urge to move west became an obsession with those relatives left behind. During these years of 1807 to 1811, Benjamin, Joshua, Joseph Morphew, and others, joined the long procession. Joseph probably left with his wife’s family, the Eggers.
Arlie Morphew, in his letters, elaborated on the exodus for the Morphew, Eggers, and others from North Carolina to the new lands: “May have used Daniel Boones Trail west. According to the writing of Alan Poe of Lenoir, North Carolina, they did just that.”
“Historians think there were as many as 50 people in the movement and that they all met at James Morphew’s place on Elk Creek for their farewells. Silas escaped all this having died in 1808, but several of his sons were involved. James had four sons, his eldest Nathan had already gone to Ohio with the Caldwells and was in Preble County, Ohio by 1808, later marrying Margaret Caldwell in 1811.”
“They left Elk Creek and friends and relatives behind, who were not making the trip. They then picked up the Shawnee Trail which runs between Elk and Stoney Creeks, through Cooks Gap, then to New River, following that to Three Forks Church and cemetery and stopping for services. What always amazed me was making that same trip for church services – look like quite a trip.”
“At this point it is thought that James, Joshua, and Benjamin left the party going by boat down New River to Ohio. As you know Joshua married Ruth Townsend on 15 April 1813 in Preble County, Ohio. The rest of the party went on past Three Forks, past what is now Boone, North Carolina, past Hodges Gap, across Grave Yard Gap, down to Dog Skin Creek, around the base of Rich Mountain, on to the State Line Gap, which passed between Zionville and Trade, North Carolina to the head of Roan Creek to what is now Shouns Cross Roads, over Iron Mountain and Stone Mountain, all of this seemingly marked out by nature and used for years by Indians before the white man came along. After Iron and Stone Mountains, we come to Holston Valley. At some point here the party separates with all of Silas’s family and Elizabeth England’s brothers going down the Clinch River south to Tennessee and Alabama. James’s outfit left through Moccasin Gap of the Clinch Mountains to Powell’s Valley and Powell’s River, and the Wilderness Trail which took them to Cumberland Gap on to Kentucky and the north.” Here Cumberland Gap Pass admitted pioneers through the highest mountains into the badlands of SE Kentucky and promises of better lands further north.
There is a gap in time from 1812 – 1818 until we can prove where Joseph + Avis Morphew lived. Franklin County, Indiana recorded a Joseph Murphey in an 1813 militia and in an 1813 county tax record. The following is further evidence which supports this is likely our Joseph Morphew:
Seventh Regiment Indiana Militia of Captain John Brison's Company of Franklin County, men who enlisted 11 September 1813 and were discharged 12 October 1813 included:
Daniel Eggars
Joseph Murphey
The Morphew spelling never again surfaces. No land deeds or grants could be found to give more detail and the 1817 and 1822 county tax record fails to list him. Joseph is somewhere else, but where? The 1850 census for his daughter Martha Morphew Hogg (born 1812-1816), states she was born in Indiana, with her census birth date being 1815/1816.
Mrs. Charles Long (Indianapolis, Indiana, 1982) states that Elizabeth Morphew, the youngest daughter, was born in Ohio in 1816 and later she wrote that family tradition identified the location as Canada (Watauga Co. N.C. Heritage, Curtis Smalling, Editior, 1987, pages 159-160.) My attempts have failed to find an 1850 census of Elizabeth Morphew Conner (born 1816).
Daughter Pheoby married 10 March 1819 to Jonathan Aldridge at Preble County, Ohio, according to a county record. There is a Joseph Murphy, Sr. and Jr. on the 1820 U.S. Census of Preble County, Ohio, but the information does not match known Morphew data and must belong to non-related Murphys. Could it be that the Joseph Morphew lived on the Indiana side on the state line and it was convenient to marry in Ohio? It may be that there was a Primitive Baptist church in the northwestern corner of Dixon Township in Preble County which the Morphews and Eggers utilized. A county history book does state there was an old Baptist Church in this area whose exact locations was not known. Or perhaps the Aldridge family lived on the Ohio side of the line. Joseph Morphew is entered only once on the 1821 Preble County auditor tax records.
Joseph does show up on the 1820 U.S. Census for Union Township, Franklin County, Indiana with a household including three farmers. On either side of his name on the census are the Pentacost brothers, John and Andrew. The Pentecost Cemetery is 0.6 miles west of Goodwin’s Corners, Union County, Indiana, and almost on top of the Eggers clan. On the same page of the census is his son, Nathan. Union Township no longer exists in Franklin County, but became future Union County, established 1821 from Franklin and Wayne Counties, not far from Dixon Township, Preble County, Ohio where brothers Joshua and Benjamin Morphew lived. No deeds in Franklin or Union County could be found for Joseph.
Daniel, son of Joseph + Avis Morphew, married on 18 July 1822 at Union County, Indiana. Union County had divided from Franklin County in 1821. After this year the trail of Joseph becomes a question mark. Was he still alive?
Mrs. Long stated that Avis Eggers died in Lee County, Virginia. This would be 24 March 1823, by record. If this is the case, Joseph left Indiana to return almost home. What was he doing there? Joseph does not appear in Lee County deeds, nor on their yearly property tax records from 1814 to 1829 (with 1820, 1828 missing). No other records could be found of this era in Lee County, Virginia, other than marriage records. This does not mean he wasn’t there, however. On 5 October 1825, James Morphew, son of Joseph, marries Rebecca Hogan in Estill County, Kentucky (county and family record). However Joseph does not appear on Estill County yearly tax records, which do include taxes on horses, and presumably was never there.
Joseph Morphew may be in the 1840 U.S. Census of Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana, in the household of his son, Nathan Morphew, an older unnamed male, age 60-70 (born 1770-1780). This is probably our Joseph Morphew, Sr. Joseph does not appear with Nathan’s family on the 1850 census of Putnam County, Indiana.
The only other record of Joseph appears in a letter written by cousins Joshua and Naomi Morphew to Silas and Nancy Morphew of Warren County, Indiana, and dated February 10, 1852: “Uncle Joseph is dead. He died before 10 December last. He had been failing for some time before he died....” Is this our Joseph Morphew or his son, Joseph, Jr?
As a bit of a sidelight, another letter of the same general era by Dinah Morphew was received by the same Silas and Nancy Morphew of Warren County, Indiana:
Dear Cousin:
“...There has been a great deal of sickness here this winter and a great many deaths more than I ever knew in my life before.... (There) is hardly a day but we hear of some new deaths.”
Children will be noted with Roman numerals (I), (II), (III), etc.
Grandchildren with (1), (2), (3), etc.
Great grandchildren with (i), (ii), (iii), etc
G-G grandchildren with (a), (b), (c)
G-G-G grandchildren with (aa), (bb), (cc).
Married LUCY McCLOUD about 1819 in Big Stone Gap, Lee County, Virginia (according to one family record). Lucy McCloud was born about 1798 and died 1875.
Lee County, Virginia, marriage records fail to mention this marriage, but a John McCloud does exist there. Note that sister Pheoby Morphew married the same year of 1819 in Preble County, Ohio (county record). Did Nathan leave home to find employment in some mines in Lee County and marry there? In 1840, the census shows Nathan has an additional adult male, age 60-70, in his household, who might be his father Joseph Morphew.
Census locations for Nathan and Lucy Morphew
1820: Franklin County, Indiana: Nathaniel Murphy – on same census page as his father.
1830: Where?
1840 - 1860 Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana: Nathan Morphew
1870 Jackson Township, Putnam County, Indiana: Nathan Morphew
1880 Monroe Township, Putnam County, Indiana: Nathan Morphew in household of William McCloud.
28 July 1825, Nathan Morphew’s house is noted on an Estill County, Kentucky survey deed for James Eggers on the Stone Cole Fork of Elk Lick Fork of Sturgeon Creek in the presence of Daniel Eggers. County tax records show him for only 1826 and 1827.
Nathan lived next door to his brother Benjamin Morphew. He purchased several tracts of land in Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana, in 1839 about 1.5 miles south of Groveland and near the northern end of Lake Heritage. The land is sold as Nathan Morphew and Lucy, his wife. (SW of SW and SW of SE part of Section 14, Township 15, Range 3)
Children of Nathan Morphew and Lucy McCloud:
(1) Tabitha Morphew (1819/20) married 25 January 1839 at Putnam County, Indiana to James Pickett (1808/09). This was a county record, and the name was spelled "Morphew"). Census records place them in Floyd Township, Putnam County for the years 1850 and 1860. Their children are: William J. ft (1839/40); Lucy N. Pickett (1841/42); Charles Pickett (1842/43); Aquilla Pickett (1845/46).
(2) Malinda Morphew (14 June 1822) married 20 February 1853 Putnam County, Indiana to David C. Morphew, son of James and Polly (Glass) Morphew. Living in Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana in 1860. See David Morphew's write-up for children.
(3) James M. Morphew (1826/27 - 1859) married 19 September 1854 at Putnam County, Indiana to Julia Ann Robinson.
(4) Edith Jane Morphew (~ 1829) married 3 October 1848 at Putnam County, Indiana to James R. Thompson.
(5) Henry B. Morphew (18 December 1837 Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana – 15 September 1880 Jackson Township, Putnam County and buried Clear Creek Cemetery, Putnam County) married 13 August 1857 at Putnam County, Indiana to Elizabeth Lane. Elizabeth Lane was born 1841 and buried Bainbridge, Putnam County. They lived in the following locations:
1860 Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana
1870 New Maysville, Jackson Township, Putnam County, Indiana
Children of Henry B. Morphew + Elizabeth Lane, all born in Putnam County:
(i) Armilda Alice Morphew (4 September 1858) married on 12 December 1877 Putnam County, Indiana (county record) to William McCloud.
(ii) Crittendon L. Morphew (February 1864 – November 1952, Kansas City, Newton County, Missouri – Mo. death record) married 16 October 1884 Vermilion County, Illinois (county record) to Sophie Streible (April 1865 Germany) and lived in the following known locations, per census records:
1894 Vermilion County, Illinois marriage record
1900 Franklin Township, Hendricks County, Indiana
1910 - 1920 Gentry Township, Benton County, Arkansas
Crittendon and Sophia Morphew had the following children, per census records: (a) May M. Morphew (May 1885 Illinois)
(b) Earl R. Morphew (October 1887 Illinois to June 1950 Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri – Mo. death record)
(c) Lorin Morphew (April 1890 Illinois).
(iii) James Erastmus Morphew (25 October 1865 - 1944) married 24 July 1890 Hendricks County, Indiana (county record) to Eleanor Alice Morphew. They lived in the following locations, per U.S. Census:
1900 & 1910 Jackson Township, Putnam County, Indiana
1930 Jackson Township, Boone County, Indiana
Children of James E. + Eleanor Alice Morphew are:
(a) Herbert A. Morphew (29 July 1892 to January 1968 with last residence at Danville, Hendricks County, Indiana
(b) Homer C. Morphew (5 September 1894 to June 1980 with last known residence at Turlock, Stanislaus County, California)
(c) Leonard L. Morphew (July 1896)
(d) Olive M. Morphew (September 1899)
(e) Ivy P. Morphew (1901/02)
(f) Claude Herman Morphew (23 April 1909 to 6 August 1989, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana) married 1st to Eva Hougland and 2nd on 3 August 1971 to Bertha Louise Bell. Claude had one known daughter and two male children, probably born in the early 1940's. The two male children were adopted out and lost from view. An 2007 inquiry exists from the daughter's side – Teresa Hammel – to find these sons, their current names unknown.
(iv) Joseph Franklin Morphew (28 November 1868 - 1956) married 1st on 24 December 1890 Putnam County, Indiana (county record) to Ida F. Crosby and 2nd to Lola V. Ader.
(6) Harriet S. Morphew (1841/42), married 1 January 1865 at Putnam County, Indiana (county record) to Absolom Hugh Eggers, son of Daniel Eggers + Harriet Reeves. Children: (i) Malinda C. Eggers ~1866; (ii) Lucy A. Eggers (~1870); (iii) Thomas J. Eggers (~1872); (iv) Stephen Eggers (~1874); (v). Henry A. Eggers (~1877); (vi) Burton A. Eggers (~1870).
Born 1799 in Wilkes County, North Carolina and died after 1880.
Married JONATHAN ALDRIDGE on 10 March 1819 in Preble County, Ohio (county record).
Pheoby’s descendants are detailed in Donna Alumbaugh’s 2nd edition of the Allumbaugh-Alumbaugh History, 2002. Phebe Morphew lived in the following locations:
1830: Putnam County, Indiana – Phebe Murfree and is next to her brother James Murfree (Morphew).
1849: Warren County, Iowa tax list with Jonathan Aldridge.
1850: Monroe Township, Putnam County: Lived in household of her son-in-law Joshua Murphy (Morphew) and wife Naomi (Aldridge) Morphew, her daughter.
1860: Monroe Township, Putnam County: Lived in household of her daughter Naomi (Aldridge) Morphew. Also with them is Preston Allumbaugh and his wife Mary (Aldridge) Allumbaugh, her daughter.
1880: Squaw Township, Warren County, Iowa: Lived with Leona Allumbaugh family, her family.
Children of Jonathan Aldridge and Naomi Morphew are:
(1) Naomi Aldridge (1820) married Joshua Morphew, son of Benjamin Morphew and Mary Townsend.
(2) Mary Aldridge (1824/25) married 9 February 1859 at Putnam County, Indiana to Preston Goforth Allumbaugh.
(3) Leona Aldridge (~1822), who married on 17 March 1869 at Warren County, Iowa (county record), to James G. Allumbaugh (~1820).
On 14 October 1822, Jonathan Kerney sold to a certain Daniel Murphy, both of Union County, for $1000, 81 acres of fractional section 9, twp 11, range 2. On 3 June 1823, Daniel and Amy (or possibly Anna) Murphy sold 110 acres of land to William Retherford for $700 part of fractional quadrant, section 29, township 14, range 14 in Liberty Township, Union County, Indiana.
On 21 February 1839, date of survey, Daniel Murphy entered three Kentucky land grants of 125, 167, and 153 acres on Sulphur Fork in Adair County.
Other deeds were not located in Union County and their grantor deed was not reviewed for their signatures – i.e. Morphew or Murphy. The Union County, Indiana lands appear to be side-by-side at the north end of Brookville Reservoir about where state highway 44 crosses the north end of the reservoir and about 2 miles south of Brownsville, Brownsville Township, Union County, Indiana.
Census records for Daniel Morphew + Amy Grimes
1840 Adair County, Kentucky: Daniel Murphey, next to Obed. Grimes
1860 P.O. Mayfield, Jackson County, Tennessee, next door to Stephen Lovall: Daniel Murphey.
Children of Daniel Morphew and Amy Grimes are (both sons and daughters need additional confirming data to better define their histories. Many are not understood well enough):
(1). Elizabeth Morphew (1826 - >1860) was living in 1860 per census.
(2). Rebecca Sarah Morphew (14 May 1828 – 3 July 1895 Farmersville, Caldwell County, Kentucky) married ??1st to Joseph Pendleton , 2nd to Lewis Pippin and 3rd to Sampson Samuel Van Hooser (~1806 – 18 January 1856). Children of Rebecca Sarah Morphew + Sampson Van Hooser: (i) Sarah Barbara Van Hooser (12 February 1871 to 24 September 1956 Caldwell County, Kentucky) married on 25 March 1893 to Albert S. Lucas. Children of Rebecca Sarah Morphew + Lewis Pippin Sr: (i) Daniel Woodfork Pippin (5 March 1849 to 20 August 1897 McCracken County, Kentucky, (ii) Sarah Elizabeth Pippin (~1851 to ~1878), (iii) Lewis Pearson Pippin, Jr. (20 September 1855 to 10 March 1904 McCracken County, Kentucky).
(3). Joseph Morphew (1 Oct. 1836 Adair County, Kentucky to 1901+ Warren Co., Kentucky), who married 1st to Nancy E. Loveall (1833 Mississippi) and 2nd about 1882/83 to Julie E. __ (August 1844 Georgia and no children). They lived in the following locations:
1860 Putnam County, Tennessee - a questionable census.
1870 Warren County, Tennessee, Goshen Pct.
1880, where?
1900 Bowling Green Township, Warren County, Kentucky, nearby to son, Pleasant Jackson Morphew, and possible son, James C. Morphew.
Children of Joseph Morphew and Nancy Loveall are not completely understood: (i) Lewis Morphew (1853/54 Wayne County, Tn), possibly married 10 September 1878 at Warren County, Kentucky to Lizzie Merridith. Where did they go?
(ii) Anna? J. Morphew or Amy Jane (1855/56 Tn)
(iii) Daniel S. Morphew** (1858/59 Ky)
(iv) Pleasant Jackson Morphew (May 1861 Putnam County, Tn to 9 April 1933 Tn) married Mary E. Pendleton. They lived in the following locations per census:
1900 Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky
1910 & 1920 Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee
Children of Pleasant Jackson Morphew and Mary Pendleton:
(a) Jesse L. Morphew (daughter November 1886 Ky)
(b) Harry M. Morphew (June 1889 Ky)
(c) Charles Pleasant Morphew (27 March 1891 Bowling Green, Warren County, Ky*) married Marie White*
(d) Claude Leslie Morphew (17 March 1891 Bowling Green, Warren County, Ky*)
(e) Elbert Richard Morphew (29 October 1896 Bowling Green, Warren County, Ky*)
(f) Fredrick "Fred" Morphew (1901/02 Ky)
(g) Arthur Roy Morphew (1903/04)
(h) Mary Morphew (1906/07 Ky)
* from WWI draft registration card
(v) possibly James C. Morphew** (January 1873 Kentucky), who married about 1898 to Mary __. (** needs further proof)
John G. Morphew + Elizabeth Bullington.
(4). John G. Morphew (6 April or May 1831 Adair Co., Kentucky to16 February 1887 Allen County, Kentucky* and buried at Gilead Church Cemetery, Pitchford Ridge Road, Allen County, Kentucky)*
Married to Elizabeth Bullington (born 16 January 1834 Tennessee to 12 October 1921 Alvaton, Warren County, Kentucky at the home of her daughter Rebecca "Sarah" Morphew Greathouse.).*
* Information courtesy of Eric Thomason, email 23 August 2010.
John G. Morphew enlisted as a Private 20 March 1865 in Columbia, Adair County, Kentucky, and was assigned South Cumberland Batt. Regiment, Kentucky (Union) on 4 May 1865. John mustered out 23 October 1865 in Columbia, Adair County, Kentucky.
John G. + Elizabeth (Bullington) Morphew lived in the following locations:
1860 U.S. Census of Adair, Kentucky
1870 U.S. Census of Caldwell County, Kentucky, Princeton Pct.
1880 U.S. Census of Scottsville, Allen County, Kentucky
1900 U.S. Census of Butler County, Kentucky – Elizabeth without her husband.
John G. Morphew + Elizabeth Bullington had the following children:
7 children with 6 living in 1900 (per census), but children are not completely understood. The 1860 Census indicates everyone born in Kentucky.
(i) Daniel Washington Morphew (July 1852 Tennessee to >1900) married ~1872 to Mary Jane Powers or Rector (November 1855 Kentucky to >1900). They lived in the following locations:
1880 Scottsville, Allen County, Kentucky
1900 Mining City, Butler County, Kentucky. This U S. Census notes they were married 27 years with 10 children and 9 living.
Children of Daniel W. + Mary Jane Morphew:
(a). Thomas Blanco Morphew (22 February 1873 Kentucky - 21 July 1923 Butler County, Kentucky) married ~1893 to Ida B. __ (January 1872) and lived in Morgantown, Butler County, Kentucky 1900-1930. In 1900, their mother Elizabeth (January 1834 Tn) was living with them. Children: (aa) Clarence Morphew (October 1894), (bb) William Robert "Robbie" Morphew (November 1896), (cc) Laura S. Morphew (April 1899), (dd) Charles Morphew (1900/01), (ee) Ann Morphew (1901/02), (ff) Clara Morphew (1905/06), (gg) Dootsey Bell Morphew (1908), (hh) Pearl or Essie Mae Morphew (1913/14).
(b) John William Morphew (1876/77)
(c) Nettie Frances Morphew (1878/79)
(d) Elizabeth Morphew (1882)
(e) Bernie M. Morphew (July 1883)
(f) Emma M. Morphew (March 1886)
(g) James I. Morphew (August 1887)
(h) Alice Morphew (April 1891)
(i) Effie Morphew (December 1895).
(ii) Lewis D. Morphew (8 April 1854 to 10 August 1922 Kentucky, Scottsville, Allen County, Kentucky) married Laura Belle Simmons (February 1849 - >1920). They lived in the following locations, per census records:
1880 Scottsville, Allen County, Kentucky
1900 Macon County, Tennessee
1910 Puncheon, Allen County, Kentucky
1920 Scottsville, Allen County, Kentucky
Children of Lewis D. Morphew + Laura Belle Simmons: (a). George Robert Morphew (16 November 1875), (b) Ellen Morphew (November 1879), (c) William E. Morphew (6 September 1882)
(iii) Rebecca Sarah Morphew (16 December 1855^ to 10 February 1939) married 27 November 1873^ at Adolphus, Allen County, Kentucky to William Orlando Butler Greathouse (23 June 1846 to 22 October 1923).^ Both are buried at Pleasant Hill Christian Church Cemetery, former landmark of Cassidy, Warren County, Kentucky and now within the Polkville area.*
* Information courtesy of Eric Thomason, emails 23 & 25 August 2010.
^ Bible Record of Rebecca Sarah Morphew, courtesy of Eric Thomason, email of 26 August 2010
Census records indicate they lived in Warren County, Kentucky from 1880 - 1920 in a district once known as Goshen (1880 to 1910), which includes today's Alvaton. Goshen's name continues to be remembered as Goshen Road and Goshen Church Road which are north and west of Alvaton. "Great House Road" connects to Goshen Church Road and was named for Herschel and Wood Greathouse who had farms on the road.* The 1930 Census states Sarah Greathouse was living in the household of her daughter Ova K. Fitzpatrick + Alec C. Fitzpatrick.
The 1900 Census notes William and Sarah Greathouse had 10 children with 6 children living. In 1910, only 5 remained living. Children are:
(a) Lillie Greathouse (18 August 1874 to 14 October 1885). ^
(b) Wood Greathouse (9 July 1877^ to 15 August 1965 Warren County**) married on September 1898 to Stella Carter 1898. ^
(c) John W. Greathouse (16 November 1879 to 14 June 1882). ^
(d) Myrtle Greathouse (14 September 1881^ to 1948*) married on December 1903 to Lige Roddy. ^
(e) Cora B. Greathouse (7 April 1887^ - 1972*) married on 8 January 1904 to Wood Hardcastle ^
(f) Herschel Greathouse (29 October 1890^ to February 1971 Alvaton, Warren County, Kentucky**) married on 20 June 1910 to Lurlie Donohu. ^
(g). Smith Greathouse (21 January 1892 to 7 November 1907). ^
(h) Ova K. Greathouse (31 May 1894 to 1977*) married 24 December 1913 to Alex Fitzpatrick. ^
** Social Security Death Index
(iv) William Carroll Morphew, (14 July 1858/59 – 7 November 1923?)
(v) Josiah S. Morphew (3 August 1860 Ky – 25 August 1943 Allen County, Kentucky). 1870 census lists him as “Joseph.” Josiah married Martha H. Lyles (2 February 1857 to 7 November 1923). Children of Josiah and Martha Morphew are: (1) (a) Lawrence Morphew (22 April 1882 to 22 March 1955), (b) Watson Morphew (23 September 1884 to 16 May 1885), (c) Effie Morphew (12 March 1886), (d) Lola D. Morphew (14 September 1889), (e) Jewell Morphew (19 January 1898).
(vi) Thomas Wesley Morphew (9 March 1862 Kentucky – 9 March 1933 Hunt County Texas), married ~1894 to Emma K. Morgan (16 March 1862 – 9 March 1914 Concord Cemetery, Hunt County, Texas. He married before 1920 to 2nd to Naomi J. Ashley (1870/71 Alabama) and no children. Naomi married 1st to David P. Gay and had five children. Thomas W. Morphew is recorded in Hunt County, Texas census records from 1900 – 1930. There appears to be one child of Thomas W. and Emma K. Morphew:
(a). Eugene Bell Morphew (18 August 1883 Kentucky to 15 March 1958 Greenville, Hunt County, Texas) married Anne Elizabeth William (15 March 1887 to 1 May 1976 Greenville, Hunt County, Texas). Anne was the daughter of J. White William and Rhoda Germany. Eugene Bell Morphew lived continuously in Hunt County. Eugene and Anne Morphew have the following children: (aa) Wallace B. Morphew (1905/06 Texas), (bb) Ruth P. Morphew (1907/08 Texas), (cc) Gilbert L. Morphew (1910 Texas), (dd) Eugene F. Morphew (1913/14 Texas), (ee) Guy Morphew (1915/16 Texas, (ff) T. K. Morphew (son – 1920 Texas), (ff) Annie J. Morphew (1924/25 Texas)
(vii) Amy M. Morphew (1864/65 Ky).
(5). Simon G. Morphew (28 May 1839* to 6 July 1919 Greensville, Hunt County, Texas,* buried at Forest Park Cemetery), married 1st about 1855-1857 to Martha E. __, married 2nd on 29 July 1876 Sumner County, Tennessee to Elizabeth Coplin, born ~1861, who was much younger than Simeon. Simon (or Simeon) enlisted 4 October 1862 at McMinnville, Warren County, Tennessee in Civil War as a private, Company K, 18th Infantry Tennessee Regiment, Confederate. Thanks go to Kelly Poole for her assistance with this family, her e-mails of August 2004. Also many thanks go to Janet Conerly, email of 9 August 2006 for her help to untangle her Morphews, with her dating noted as "*")
Simon G. Morphew lived in the following locations:
1860 U.S. Census of Double Springs, Putnam County, Tennessee
1870 U.S. Census of Jackson County, Tennessee
1880 U.S. Census of Caldwell, Kentucky
1900 U.S. Census of Goshen, Warren County,Kentucky
1910 U.S. Census of Woodburn District, Warren County, Kentucky in family James R. Morphew (e-mail of Kelly Poole, 4 August 2004).
1920 U.S. Census of Hunt County, Texas. Elizabeth Coplin Morphew was living with daughter Ellen Crawford, both widows.
Simon G. Morphew + Martha E. (1st Wife) had 7 children
(children identified by (i), (ii), (iii), etc.)
(i) William P. Morphew (1856/57)
(ii) Daniel Morphew (twin, ~1861 Tennessee)
(iii) Elizabeth J. Morphew (twin, ~1861 Tennessee). Married _ Hopper
(iv) John G. Morphew (February 1863 in Tennessee or Kentucky to before 1920). About 1888/89, John married to Annie Conway (17 September 1871 Allen County, Kentucky or Putnam County, Tennessee to 4 June 1948 Butler County, Kentucky). Annie Conway Morphew married 2nd to Daniel Howell before 1920 and were still living in the county in 1920.**
**(Courtesy of Kelly Poole, e-mail 4 August 2004 and 10 August 2004)
John G. and Annie Morphew lived in the following locations, per U.S. Census:
1900 Warren County, Kentucky
1910 Butler County, Kentucky. Census states they had 4 children and 4 were living in 1910.
One mystery was found in marriage records: “John G. Morphew” to Annie Copeland on 21 June 1880 at Crittenden County, Kentucky (county record).
John G. Morphew and Annie Conway had 4 children:
(a) Simon Lewis Morphew (14 April 1890 Tennessee). Married with wife and 2 children and living in South Hill, Butler County, Kentucky in 1917.* U.S. Census of Butler County, Kentucky lists the family of Lewis Morphew.
(b) Nora A. Morphew (8 February 1892). Possibly listed on 1910 U.S. Census of Butler County, Kentucky in family of John G. and Annie Morphew, as Marie E. Bailey, daughter, age 18, born Kentucky.
(c) Thomas Wesley Morphew, Sr. (15 May 1895 Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky* to 27 August 1970). In 1917, he was not married and living in Logansport, Butler County, Kentucky.* He married about 1926/27 to Effie __ and was described on a 1917 draft registration card as medium build, medium stature, gray eyes, and brown hair.
1930 U.S. Census of Butler County, Kentucky lists "Wesley Morphew," 34, married at age 23; Effie Morphew wife, 30, marriage at age 19, Lucelle Morphew, daughter, age 6, but no son listed.
Children of Thomas W. Morphew: (aa) Thomas Wesley Morphew, Jr. (24 March 1921 Ky. to May 1971) married Audra Mildred Hammer (28 May 1924 to 15 August 2002 Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana.). Thomas Wesley Morphew, Jr. + Audra Mildred Hammer had 5 boys and 3 girls.* (bb) Lucelle Morphew (~1923/24).
* Thanks go to Tammy Ellison, email courtesy 1 June 2010.
(d) Fred Daniel Morphew (1 December 1898 Kentucky to 2 October 1970?). In 1918, he was living in Logansport, Butler County, Kentucky and named his mother to be "Annie Morphew, of the same location.*
*from WWI Draft Record Card.
Resuming Children of Simeon + Martha Morphew
(v) Joseph A. Morphew (1866/67 Kentucky)
(vi) Mary Morphew (1870 – Tennessee, twin)
(vii) Amanda Morphew (1870 – Tennessee, twin).
Simeon Morphew and Elizabeth Coplin (2nd wife) had the following children:
6 children born with 4 living in 1900 (per census).
(i) Thomas W. Morphew (1878/79 Kentucky – 19 April 1882*)
(ii) Ellen Virginia Morphew (22 July 1881* to 5 December 1952* Hot Springs, Arkansas at Morningstar Cemetery) married 1st on 1 December 1896 to James Lee (18 January 1862 to 1905 drowning*). Ellen married several times, the last of which was 10 March 1920 to John Samuel Levacy (born ? to >1954). Ellen + John Levacy lived in Bowling Green, Kentucky, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and finally in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Ellen Morphew + James Lee had the following children: (a) Elizabeth Florence Lee (16 April 1900 Kentucky* to 10 February 1967 Greenville, Hunt County, Texas*), (b) Mattie Jane Lee (17 March 1898 Kentucky to 31 July 1982 Fort Worth, Texas*), (c) Charles H. Lee (9 September 1901 and disappeared at age of 18 in Greenville*), (d) Pleas Radford Lee (11 December 1904 and died California*). (Info courtesy of Janet Conerly with Bible records from Ellen Morphew Lee or Elizabeth Lee)
(iii) Robert Morphew (born ? to 16 September 1883*)
(iv) Eddie Mae Morphew 17 July 1885* to 24 August 1911*) married 1st to Pleas Ferguson and 2nd to John W. Whitaker. Eddie Mae Morphew + Pleas Ferguson had one daughter: (a) Virginia Ferguson. Eddie Mae Morphew + John W. Whitaker had two children: (a) male, living in 2006, (b) Michael Woodruff Whitaker, who lived over a year. (Courtesy of Janet Conerly)
(v) James R. Morphew (19 March 1888* to 4 May 1941*). In 1910, he was single, head of household, with his parents Simon + Elizabeth Morphew, his sister Ellen Lee and her four children, and his brother Roscoe G. Morphew.
(vi). Roscoe Garland Morphew (1 July 1891, Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky* to >1917). In 1910, "Roscoe G. Morphew" was living as a brother in the household of James R. Morphew. In 1917, he stated he was married and living in Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas.
*WWI Registration Card
(6). Margaret E. Morphew (1841 to ?), who married about 1864 at Adair County, Kentucky to Stephen Loveall. In 1860, they were next to Daniel Morphew.
(7). Mary Polly Morphew (1846 to ?), who married Isaac P. Floyd.
Born about 1803 to 1808 in Ashe County, N.C. and died 1862 Wapello County, Iowa, with this last date in question.
Married: Reported to marry Mary ___ at Estill County, Kentucky, but there is no evidence that either Joseph Sr. or Joseph Jr. ever lived there.
By 1858, Joseph Morphew, Jr. either is dead or is divorced, as on 12 August 1858, Mrs. Clarinda Murphey married John Kriser at Peoria County, Illinois. In the 1860 Census of this same county, John Kricher has a wife by the name of Clarinda, and living in the household is Mary Morphew, age 19. Joseph has been very difficult to trace, possibly due to frequent moves. The current information is shaky.
Possible census locations for Joseph Morphew, Jr.
1830, Putnam County, Indiana: Joseph Murfree, born between 1800-1810, with a number of females including older children, perhaps part of another family. This entry may or may not belong to us. There is also a marriage record of a Joseph Murphy to Sally Williams, Putnam County, Indiana on 20 December 1827, and nothing more is known.
1840 Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana: Joseph Morphew
1850 Menard County, Illinois: Joseph Morphew, age 42 and Clarinda Morphew, age 39.
1860 Peoria County, Illinois: Clarinda Kricher, with Mary Morphew, age 19.
Joseph Morphew appears to have at least three sons and 3 daughters, or parts of another family, if the 1840 census records can be counted on, names unknown. On the 1850 census, there are only three children, and are given initials: E.A. Morphew (male 1837/38, born Iowa), M.A. Morphew (female 1839/40 Illinois), N.J. Morphew (female 1842/43 Illinois).
(1) Enos A. Morphew, (born 5 December 1837 – 2 July 1922) married 1st on 29 May 1861 to Helen Buchanan and 2nd on 15 September 1865 at Petersburg, (probably Menard County), Illinois to Mary Ann Sheffler, born 1844 Pennsylvania. Enos enlisted 4 August 1862 and joined Illinois Company I, 86th Infantry Regiment as a private. He was transferred on 29 July 1864 to Engineers Corps Regiment VV on 29 July 1864. Residence given: as Lancaster, Peoria County, Illinois. In 1870, Enos was noted as a wheelright living in P.O. Pleasant Plain, Cartwright Township, Sangamon County, Illinois. Patents filed by Enos A. Morphew and others included a check-rower (1881) and grain drill (1883).*
* from Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents for the Year 1880 and 1883, U.S. Congress House.
Enos A. Morphew and Helen Buchanan had one child (Courtesy of Doris Wilson, e-mail 5 November 2004):
(i). Joseph Allen Morphew, (1862 in Peoria County, Illinois and living >1900) married 1st on 16 October 1886 in Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois to Katie Catherine Murphy (1863 Louisville, Kentucky to ~1891). Katie's parents were Thomas Murphy + Mary Collins. Joseph married 2nd on 29 August 1892 Clark County, Missouri to Ida May Young (~1872 to ?). In 1900 Joseph and Ida Morphew were living in Bonanza Township, Sebastian County, Arkansas.
Joseph Allen Morphew and Katie Catherine Murphy had the following children:
(a) Thomas A. Morphew (14 September 1887 Illinois – 22 March 1957 Santa Clara, California) who married on 24 December 1912 to Fern Rolls.
(b) Joseph Enos Morphew (28 July 1889 Illinos – 1 June 1955 Alameda, California) who married on 25 November 1912 at Sebastian County, Arkansas to Rosie Curd Mizee.
(c). Lela Morphew (July 1890 Missouri).
Joseph Allen Morphew + Ida May Young had the following children:
(d). Orville H. Morphew (~1906 Sebastian County, Arkansas) who married on 17 September 1927 at Borger, Texas to Beulah Marie Day. Living with brother, Joseph E. Morphew in 1920 Sebastian County, Arkansas.
(e). Dennis B. Morphew (11 May 1897 Missouri – July 1972 Cove Township, Polk County, Arkansas and buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery) married on 13 January 1919 at Sebastian County, Arkansas to Lillie Dorough. Three Children.
(f). Grady Morphew (8 February 1906 Sebastian County, Arkansas – 3 May 1978 Alameda, California.
(g). Carl Morphew (1909)
(h) Evelyn Morphew (May 1893 Missouri)
Enos A. Morphew and Mary Ann Sheffler had the following children (Courtesy of Doris Wilson, e-mail 5 November 2004):
(ii). Ulysses Grant Morphew, 1866 Illinois
(iii). Delia or Lelia K. Morphew, 1867/68 Illinois
(iv). Herbert Morphew, 1872
(v). Frank Morphew, 1877
(vi).Eva Morphew, 1879
(2) Mary A. Morphew (1839/40 Illinois)
(3) N. J. Morphew (f) (1842/43).
Born 15 December 1805 at Wilkes County, N. C. and died 24 October 1871 at Bladensburg, Wapello County, Iowa.
Married REBECCA HOGAN on 5 October 1825 or 1826 at Estill County, Kentucky (county record)
REBECCA HOGAN, born 28 November 1799 in Tennessee and died 23 November 1873 in Wapello County, Iowa.
James and Rebecca Morphew lived at Putnam County, Indiana and Wapello County, Iowa. See next generation in Chapter 5A.
Born 28 February 1811 at Ashe County, N.C. and died 27 April 1897 at North Salem, Hendricks County, Indiana and buried at the Page/Zimmerman Cemetery^.
Married 1st REBECCA BRIDGEWATER on 7 March 1832 in Putnam County, Indiana (county record). Rebecca Bridgewater, daughter of John and __ Bridgewater, was born 28 January 1812 Burke County, North Carolina and died 7 March 1839 Putnam County, Indiana and buried Clear Creek Cemetery. ^
Married 2nd JANE TODD CHESHIRE on 2 September 1840 at Putnam County, Indiana (county record). Jane Cheshire, daughter of Samuel and Rhoda Morphew Todd, was born ~1805/1806 in North Carolina and died 29 August 1883 Hendricks County, Indiana ^ and buried Page/Zimmerman Cemetery^.
Benjamin’s birth state is confirmed in his 1850 U.S. Census of Putnam County, Indiana.
^ Courtesy of Beth Stringer Morphew Shields, email of 10 December 2010. Thank you, Beth for your great help!
Census locations for Benjamin F. Morphew:
1840 and 1850 Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana.
1860 – 1880: Eel River Township, Hendricks County, Indiana. Hendricks County, Indiana becomes the largest gathering of Morphews in the United States, with approximately 35 Morphew (surname) weddings taking place there before 1920.
Putnam County, Indiana deed: Benjamin Morphew from William Wiles on 24 November 1838 for $50 for 40 acres in Floyd Township. (SW of NW Section 22, Township 15, Range 3) This land is about a mile west of Heritage Lake. He has 4 other deeds before 1858 in this township and when land is sold, it is signed Benjamin Morphew and Jane, his wife.
Children by 1st marriage of Benjamin F. and Rebecca (Bridgewater) Morphew:
(1) Daniel Morphew (February 1833 Indiana – 1919 North Salem, Hendricks County, Indiana) married 1st on 15 May 1853 at Putnam County, Indiana to Elizabeth J. Lewis and 2nd on 29 August 1857 at Hendricks County, Indiana to Mary Jane Toney. Mary Jane was born 1834/45 Indiana and was living 1880. They lived in the following locations, per census records.
1860 P.O. Lebanon, Harrison Township, Boone County, Indiana, and had one child Catharine, less than 1 year old.
1870 Union Township, Hendricks County, Indiana
1880 – 1910 Eel River Township, Henricks County.
Children by Daniel + Elizabeth Morphew, if any, are not known at this time. Children of Daniel and Mary Jane Morphew, mostly born at Hendricks County:
(i) Sarah Catherine Morphew (1859/61)
(ii) Benjamin Morphew (1863/64)
(iii) Edward/Edmund “Eddie” Morphew (October 1868)
(iv) (William-?) "Joshua" Morphew (June 1870). Noted on 1930 U.S. Census.
(v) Freeman R. Morphew (October 1874)
(vi) John A. Morphew (August 1866 Indiana) married 10 March 1888 Hendricks County, Indiana to Josephine "Josie" Jones (December 1866 Illinois).*
John A. and Josie Morphew lived in the following locations:
1900 Center Township, Hendricks County, Illinois.
1914: "John A. Morphew" is noted in Vigo County in 1914; is he the same?
Children of John A. + Josie Morphew, names and dates are mostly from census records and marriages from Arlie Morphew.***
(a) Rosa D. Morphew (13 July 1889**) married Edward Hughes. Perhaps, coincidental, an "Edward Hughes" married Effie Shelley on 24 November 1899 at Vigo County, Indiana (county record).
(b) Pearlie Morphew (28 July 1891**) married Charles Runion
(c) Cloan (Clone) Morphew (male – 18 or 28 January 1894 Danville, Indiana to 23 June 1960 Danville) married 1st to Effie Woods Shelley (divorced) and 2nd to Lydia Jones. No children known. In 1920, Cloan was a boarder in the George Adams house in Indianapolis. In 1942, Clone Morphew filled out a WWII registration card stating he was living in Marion, Grant County, Indiana. Effie Morphew was named closest of kin, living at the same address.
(d) Grace Morphew (August 1896) married Ben Elam
(e) Marie Morphew (September 1899).
Arlie Morphew*** noted another child, Verlie Morphew (born __ and died 1964) who married Wilma Cook. On 8 November 1919, the Indianapolis Star (newspaper) stated: "Boy's Condition Unchanged." "The condition of Roy Harris, 1942 Wilcox Street, son of Lou Harris, was accidentally shot last Wednesday morning at Danville, Indiana when a .22 caliber rifle was discharged in the hands of his cousin, Virlev Morphew, 653 South Cross Street, Danville, remained unchanged last evening at the Robert W. Long Hospital. The boy was brought to the hospital on the day of the shooting. The bullet injured his spinal column, an X-ray photograph indicated."
* Marriage date, courtesy of Susan Howe, email of 30 December 2007.
**County/State Birth Record, parents names given, but no first name for child
***"Morphew History," by Arlie C. Morphew, 1970.
(2) Joseph E. Morphew (23 Nov. 1835 to 3 January 1898 Putnam County, Indiana and buried Barnard Cemetery, Putnam County.) married 30 May 1860 at Putnam County, Indiana to Margaret A. Cox (10 September 1844 or 1845 Putnam County to 11 October 1905 Putnam Co.). Children born at Hendricks County are: (i) Sarah E. Morphew (20 Feb. 1862), (ii) Rebecca J. Morphew (19 March 1864), (iii) Kitty A. Morphew (16 March 1866), (iv) Mary S. Morphew (23 February 1872), (v) Christine F. Morphew (23 February 1875), (vi) Lulu M. Morphew (1877/78), (vii) Joseph Ethridge Morphew (28 March 1885). (1880 census has a daughter Lenora M. Morphew, age 8, born In.)
(3) William Andrew Morphew (August 1837 Putnam County, In. – ~1921? Putnam County, buried Russell/McCloud Cemetery^) married on 12 March 1856 at Hendricks County to Elizabeth McCloud (July 1840 to 1915 Hendricks County, In). In 1860, William A. + Elizabeth Morphew were living in P.O. Lebanon, Harrison Township, Boone County, Indiana. Children born Hendricks County are (3 children with 2 living in 1900: (i) Eleanor A. Morphew (1872/73), (ii) Francis E. Morphew (1867/68).
(4) Catherine Zarelda Morphew (15 April1839) married 29 August 1875 Hendricks County, Indiana to William Jasper McCloud.
Children by 2nd marriage of Benjamin F. and Jane (Cheshire) Morphew::
(5) David Morphew (9 May 1841, Floyd Twn, Putnam County, In. to 14 March 1913 Hendricks County, In. and buried McCloud-Russell Cemetery, Putnam Co, In.) married on 15 December 1864 at Putnam County to Mary Elizabeth McCloud (1844 to 15 November 1891 Putnam County and buried McCloud-Russell Cemetery). Children born Putnam County are: (i) Sarah Magdalene Morphew (1866), (ii) Mary Jane Morphew (22 January 1893), (iii) Nathan Morphew, (iv) Verce Morphew, and others.
(6) Benjamin Franklin Morphew (“II”) was born 18 January 1842 Putnam County, Indiana and died 23 September 1935 Eel River Township, Hendricks Co, Indiana and buried Barnard Cemetery – Putnam County^. Benjamin married on 16 August 1864 at Hendricks County to Mary Catherine McCloud, daughter of Hiram and Polly(??) McCloud. Mary was born 15 June 1848 Putnam County and died 3 April 1922 Eel River Township, Hendricks County. ^ Their 1900 U.S. Census notes that they had 9 children with 6 living, but Hendricks County birth records suggest more. ^
Children of Benjamin F. Morphew “II” and Mary Catherine McCloud (from Beth Shields):
(i). Lucinda Emily Morphew (28 July 1866 Putnam County, Indiana to 18 July 1942 Hendricks County, buried Fairview Cemetery, North Salem) married on 21 October 1885 Hendricks County to Nathan Clarence Morphew (~1866 Indiana to ??). On their 1910 Census, they had 6 children with 2 living: Sylvia M. Morphew (1894/95) and daughter __ J. Morphew. (1899/1900).
(ii). Robert J. Morphew (January 1873 Putnam County to 26 June 1900, buried County Home Cemetery – Danville and probably moved to South Cemetery - Danville) ^; also listed as James Robert Morphew in his parent’s 1880 census. He is poorly understood.
(iii) Rebecca Jeanette “Nettie” Morphew (4 May 1876 Putnam County to 13 February 1964 Hendricks County) married on 28 January 1898 Hendricks County to Barney Allen Russell (14 May 1878 Putnam County to 8 December 1939 Hendricks County). Barney Russell was a brother to James Albert Russell who was father of Mildred Russell Morphew, wife of Cecil William Morphew. 1910 U.S. Census indicates they had 6 children with 4 living: Census records for 1910 and 1920 note the following children: (a). Letha Russell (1900/01), (b). Lowell F. Russell (1903/04), (c). Gladys G. Russell (1907/08), (d). Velda Russell (~1909).
(iv) Orvil Delaney (or Orville DeLana) Morphew was born 18 January 1881
Eel River Township, Hendricks County and died 19 January 1948 Danville,
Hendricks County and buried Danville South Cemetery – Danville). Orville
married on 13 October 1901 Hendricks County, Indiana to Ethel Ida Cox, daughter
of John and Mary E. Maddox Cox. Ethel was born 11 May 1884 Clayton, Hendricks
County and died 7 August 1948 Danville, Hendricks County and buried Danville
South Cemetery. ^
Children of Orville and Ethel Morphew are: ^
(^ From Beth Stringer Morphew Shields, email courtesy 10 December 2010.)
a. Otis Morphew (1 December 1902 to 17 November 1956 Putnam County, In.
b. Mary Morphew married ?? Davis
c. Cecil William Morphew was born 7 June 1906 Danville, Hendricks County and died 13 November 1963 Danville and buried Danville East Cemetery – Danville. Cecil married on 2 November 1927 Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana to Mildred Lucille Russell, daughter of James Albert Russell and Maude Estelle Elder. Mildred was born 26 February 1910 Barnard area, Putnam County and died 11 May 1986 Danville, Hendricks County, buried Danville East Cemetery.
From Beth Shields: “Cecil and Mildred were my in-laws. For about 3 years, we lived (Terry and I) about a block from Cecil’s son Tom and next door to another brother Dewey. Cecil, when I first met him, was running a gas station down on U.S. 40 south of Clayton, and they lived in a small house next to the station. They moved to Danville after we were married. He worked as a carpenter in Danville for the Cox Brothers, who were kin of his. Cecil would give me grief about the Waldorf salad I made for Christmas, but that was because he loved it. One of his daughters told me she always thought about me when she saw Waldorf salad anyplace. Mildred was an only child and her father was a great individual. Grandpa Russell either bought the house Cecil and Mildred lived in, or paid for part of the house and lived with them. After Cecil died, Mildred lived alone for a while, then bought a duplex and rented out one side. When she became ill, she went to live with her daughter, Sherry.”
d. Thomas Riley Morphew was born 26 June 1908 Danville, Hendricks County and died November 1981 Danville and buried Danville South Cemetery. Thomas married 14 April 1928 Hendricks County, Indiana to Cordelia M. Wilson. Cordelia Wilson was born 27 October 1908 and died 13 November 1997 Hendricks County and buried Danville South Cemetery. (SSDI sources)
e. Dewey F. Morphew was born 9 February 1910 Danville, Hendricks County and died 15 January 1984 Danville and buried Danville East Cemetery, Hendricks County, Indiana. Dewey married 5 May 1932 Danville, Hendricks County to Mary Ethel Malicoat. Mary Ethel Malicoat was born 16 December 1914 Granger County, Tennessee and died August 1992 Danville, Hendricks County and buried Danville East Cemetery (from SSDI).
f. Thelma Morphew (16 September 1911 to January 1987 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana) married ?? Beasley.
g. Dorothy Morphew (22 January 1919 New Castle, Henry County, Indiana to 16 December 1919 New Castle, Henry County of measles)
h. Juanita Morphew (~1920 to ~1920)
i. (twin) Martha Loraine Morphew (21 December 1923 to August 1991-??) married on 1 November 1941 Hendricks County to Chester Joseph Corlette (county record).
j. (twin) Margaret Leone Morphew (21 December 1923 New Castle, Henry County, Indiana to 13 November 2006 Morristown, Shelby County, Indiana) married to James W. Bratton. James Bratton was born 26 April 1926 and died 22 March 1994 Morristown, Shelby County.
(v). Sarah Ann Morphew (1867/68 to about 1900) married 10 September 1885 Hendricks County to Franklin Mattox (?? to ??). In 1900, three Mattox children are living in the Hendrick’s County household of Benjamin F. and Mary C. Morphew: (stated granddaughter) Fannie M. Mattox (June 1886), Edward F. Mattox November 1891, Cecil V. Mattox (February 1898).
(vi) Viola Morphew (April 1873 census to ??) married on 27 August 1893 Hendricks County to William J. Stewart (June 1869 census to ??) They appear to be in the 1900 U.S. Census of Franklin Township, Putnam County, Indiana but children’s names are hard to decipher.
(7) Nathan Morphew (9 October 1844 Floyd Twn, Putnam Co, In. to 7 April 1917 North Salem, Hendricks County, In and buried Barnard Cemetery, Putnam County, Indiana) married 12 March 1878 North Salem, Hendricks County, Indiana to Cyrenna (“Rena”) Jane McCloud (31 January 1860 Hendricks Co to 28 September 1911 North Salem, Hendricks County, and buried same cemetery). Children born at Hendricks County are; (i) Robert Orastus Morphew (20 January 1879), (ii) Bertha Alma Morphew (7 June 1881), (iii) Artie Florence Morphew (17 September 1883), (iv) Nathan Earl Morphew (4 September 1875), (v) Arlie Clifton Morphew (3 July 1899 to 25 January 1979 and buried at Maple Hill Mausoleum, Plainfield, Indiana). Arlie C. Morphew was the author of “Morphew History,” 1970.
(8) Elizabeth Morphew (1846 to 30 January 1924 North Salem, Hendricks County, Indiana) married 15 August 1861 at Hendricks County, In. to Robert Page (15 August 1838 Henricks Co. to ?). Children: (i) Francis Morton Page.
(9) Johnne (John) Morphew (3 March 1848 Floyd Township, Putnam County to 5 June 1925 North Salem, Hendricks County, Indiana and buried Barnard Cemetery, Putnam, County, In), married on 13 February 1878 at Hendricks County, In to Laura Florence Page (21 May 1860 Hendricks Co to 1913 Putnam County, In and buried Barnard Cemetery). Living in 1870 Putnam County, Indiana. Children (from 1900 census): (i) Ada Morphew (November 1883), (ii) Ethyl Morphew (June 1886), (iii) Alta T. Morphew (son-March 1889), (iv) Vertel Morphew (son-January 1899),
(10) Joshua Morphew (1853 Floyd Twn, Putnam County, In. to 15 August 1886) and never married.
(11) (stepson) Alexander Cheshire (11 November 1837).
Born 1812 to 1816 and died before 1860.
Married MILBURN HOGG on 13 October 1831 at Putnam County (county record). Milburn Hogg was born 1810/11.
Milburn Hogg is on 1860 U.S. Census of Putnam County, Indiana, at 4th Street, West Greencastle, but Martha is missing. She may be dead.
Census locations for Milburn Hogg and Martha Morphew:
1840 Monroe Township, Putnam County, Indiana: Wilburn Hogg
1850 Marion Township, Putnam County, Indiana: Milburn Hogg
1860 Putnam County, Indiana: Milburn Hogg with wife missing
Children from census records are:
(1) Williamson Hogg (1835/36)
(2) Nancy A. Hogg (1837/38)
(3) Martha Hogg (1840/41)
(4) Milburn Hogg, Jr., (1845)
(5) Richard Hogg (1846/47)
(6) Nathan Hogg (1851/52).
The marriage of Elizabeth Morphew to John Conner (Connor) ended before the 1850 Census. Elizabeth lived in the following locations:
1850 Floyd Township, Putnam Township, Indiana (Page 390C):
In the household of John and Julia Springer are: Betsy Connor (age 31, born Ohio); Rebecca C. Connor (age 11, born Indiana), Mary M. Connor (age 9, born Indiana), and Maria J. Connor (age 2, born Indiana).
1860 Floyd Township, Putnam Township, Indiana (Page 474):
In household of William Hinkle, age 45: Elisabeth Bonner (age 47, domestic, born Kentucky) and Mariah Bonner (age 11, born Indiana). Next on the census is William J. Picket (age 20, Indiana) + Mary M. Picket (age 19 Indiana). Comment: The name Bonner, in my opinion, should be Connor. Mary M. Picket should be Elizabeth's daughter, who married William J. Pickett using the Morphew surname on the marriage record.
1870 P.O. Maysville, Jackson Township, Putnam County, Indiana (Page 135C):
Elizabeth is in the household of Willis Dewitt (age 32 Indiana); Maria Dewitt (age 21 Indiana); Arminda Dewitt (age 6 Indiana); Eliza A. Dewitt (age 1 Indiana); Elizabeth Connor (age 50 Indiana). Maria is her daughter Mariah J. On this census, they are adjacent to Squire and Amanda Eggers.
Children of Elizabeth Morphew are:
Warning: There is confusion about whether this Rebecca C. Morphew, born ~1837 belongs to Elizabeth Morphew.
(1) Rebecca Catherine Morphew (1838/39 based on 1850 census – 27 April 1901) married 29 August 1853 Putnam County, Indiana (county record) to Daniel B. Eggers (10 February 1830 Indiana to 27 November 1917 Hendricks County, Indiana). Rebecca used the Morphew spelling on the marriage record. This was the second marriage for Daniel, who married 1st on 18 January 1849 Putnam County (county record) to Mary Lydia Ann Todd. Daniel + Rebecca lived in Putnam County, Indiana.
Children of Daniel B. Eggers + Mary Lydiann Todd: (i) Sarah Catherine Eggers (11 January 1850); (ii) Delila Ann Eggers (18 November 1852 – 1917 Putnam County, Indiana).
Children of Daniel B. Eggers + Rebecca Catherine Morphew: (i) Mary Ellen Eggers (4 March 1855); (ii) Jesse E. or Alexis Jesse Eggers (4 October 1857); (iii) Melissa (possible twin 1860); (iv) Daniel Douglas Eggers (28 May 1860 – 1940); (v) Dennis B. Eggers (15 January 1863 – 1946 Hendricks County, Indiana); (vi) Clarinda Elizabeth Frances Eggers (19 July 1869 – 1890); (vii) Truman Eggers (29 August 1873); (viii) Landrine Eggers (~1874 and not on 1880 census); (ix) Nathaniel Eggers (1879).
(2) Mary Melissa Morphew (10 April 1842 to 29 January 1905 and buried Clear Creek Cemetery, Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana) married 1st on 2 November 1858 Putnam County (county record) to William J(asper) Pickett (21 October 1839 – 15 February 1865) and used the Morphew name on her marriage record.
Mary Melissa married 2nd on 26 February 1869 Putnam County (county record) to William Hinkle (27 September 1814 to 20 June 1886), his 2nd or 3rd marriage. They lived in Putnam County, Indiana. On her 1900 Census, Mary stated she had 10 children, with 9 of them living in 1900.
Back in 1970, Arlie Morphew reported Mary M. Morphew (born 1831) to be the daughter of Benjamin + Ruth Morphew and Mary M. who married William J. Pickett. Census records reveal Mary's birth date actually to be ~1842 and not ~1831. Benjamin + Ruth Morphew had no children after 1830 per census records. Mary M. becomes a much better "fit" with Elizabeth Morphew Connor as noted on her 1850 census. Why Mary did not use the Connor name on her marriage record adds much confusion.
Children of Mary Melissa Morphew + William Pickett: (i) Charles M. Pickett (1864/65); (ii) Jane N. Pickett (1866/67)
Children of Mary Melissa Morphew + William Hinkle (from census records, partial): (i) "Eddie" Hinkle, female (1869/70); (ii) Elmore Hinkle (1874/75); (iii) John Hinkle (December 1873); (iv) Edith Hinkle (15 September 1879); (v) Rosetta Hinkle (April 1882).
(3) Mariah Jane Conner (twin, 19 June 1847 to 3 August 1899 Putnam County) married on 6 or 8 February 1863 Hendricks County, Indiana (county record) to Willis Nelson DeWitt and had nine children. Mariah was the grandmother of Mrs. Charles R. Long who was an early Morphew researcher. They lived in Putnam County, Indiana. Their children: (i) Arminda Clarinda "Minnie" Dewitt (12 January 1864); (ii) Mary Eliza Dewitt (29 March 1868); (iii) Ellsworth Dewitt (October 1870 – 1943`); (iv) Rachel Elizabeth Dewitt (Sept. 1875); (v) Walter William Dewitt (September 1877); (vi) James Dewitt (January 1880); (vii) Lilly Florence Dewitt (18 July 1883); (viii) Bertha "Birdie" Dewitt (4 October 1885); (ix) Margaret Austin Dewitt (26 June 1889 - 1958); (x) Forrest Earl Dewitt (May 1893 - 1909).
(4) Elmira or Mira Conner (twin, 19 June 1847 and died as an infant)
1800 U.S. Census of Wilkes County, North Carolina (microfilm record) with names and birth dates added, which could be wrong.
Murphey, Joseph; 1 male and 1 female 0-<10; Nathan (1798), Pheoby (1799); 1 male 16-<26; Joseph (~1775); 1 female 26-<45, wife Avis (~1778).
1810 U.S. Census of Ashe County, North Carolina (microfilm record). J. Murphey (Joseph Morphew), is adjacent to L. Eggers and 2 entries from ? Eggers (probably Landrine Eggers and Daniel Eggers Jr.), sons of Daniel Eggers Sr.
J. Murphey; 3 males 0-<10 Daniel (1801), Joseph (1803), James (1805); 1 female 0-<10 Pheoby (1799), date slightly off; 1 male 10->16 Nathan (1798); 1 male 26-<45 or 1765-1784, Joseph (1775-79); 1 female 26-<45 wife Avis (~1778).
1813 Indiana Territory, Franklin County:
James Agers, Joseph Murphy
1820 U.S. Census of Union Township, Franklin County, Indiana:
“Joseph Murphy” with names and birth dates added: 1 male 0-<10 Benjamin F. (1811); 2 female 0-<10 Martha (1812), Elizabeth (1816); 2 males 10-<16 James (1805), Joseph (1803), date might be slightly off; 1 male 16-18 Daniel (1801). Date may be slightly off or census 1 year late; 1 female 16-26 Pheoby (1799), but she married Jonathan Aldridge in 1819! 1 male 16-26 Nathan (1798), but he is on separate census, not far away! 1 male 45+, (before mid or late 1775)...Joseph (`1775-79); 1 female 26-<45, wife Avis (~1778). On the same page:
Nathaniel Murphy: 1 male 0-<10; 1 female 16-26; 1 male 26-<45; next entry is:
Landrine Agers: 3 males 0-<10; 1 male + 1 female 26-<45.
1830 U.S. Census of Putnam County, Indiana;
Phebe Murfee: 1 male 40-<50; 1 female 5-<10; 1 female 10-<15; 1 female 30-<40. Next to her is:
James Murphee, 1 male + 1 female 0-<5; 1 male and 1 female 20-<30.
Joseph Murfree, 2 females 0-<5; 1 female 5-<10; 1 male + 1 female 10-<15; 1 female 15-<20; 1 male 20-<30; 1 female 30-<40. Relationship is questionable.
1830 U.S. Census of Adair County, Kentucky:
Daniel Murphy: 2 females 0-<5; 1 male + 1 female 20-<30.
1840 U.S. Census of Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana (microfilm) shows the following Morphews Hogans, and Eggers (with names and birth dates added).
Nathan Morphew: (son of Joseph + Avis Morphew); 1 male <5, Henry B. (1837);
1 male + 1 female, James (~1827), Edith Jane (~1829); 1 female 15-<20, Malinda (1822); 1 male + 1 female 40-<50, Nathan (1798), wife Lucy (1797/98); *** 1 male 60-<70. This must be Joseph Morphew, (1775-79), father of Nathan.
Benjamin Morphew (on same page as Nathan Morphew and son of Joseph + Avis Morphew); 1 male and 1 female <5, William Andrew (1837) and Catherine (1839); 2 males 5-<10, Daniel (1833) and Joseph E. (1835); 1 male 20-<30, Benjamin Franklin Morphew (1811); 1 female 30-<40, his wife, Jane Todd Cheshire
Joseph Morphew: This may be Joseph, Jr., son of Joseph + Avis Morphew. 2 males <5, 2 females 5-<10, 1 male and 1 female 10-<15; 1 male 30-<40, 1 female 30-<40. Lives next to Humphry Hogan.
William Hogan (on same page as Joseph Morphew, Jr. Cousin to Rebecca Hogan who married James Morphew, son of Joseph + Avis Morphew: 1 female <5, Elizabeth (1832/33); 1 male and 2 females 5-<10; Mary (1830), James (1831/32), and __; 1 female 20-<30, wife Jane Gorden (1820); 1 male 30-<40, William Hogan (1802)
Humphry Hogan, 2 entries away from William Hogan. Cousin to Rebecca Hogan: 1 males and 1 female <5; William (1840) and Mary J. (1835); 1 male and 1 female 15-<20, names not known; 1 male 30-<40, Humphry Hogan (1809); 1 female 30-<40, wife Jane Chambers (1808); 1 female 60-<70. Could this be Nancy Hogan (1780), wife of Washington Hogan?
Solomon Hogan. Cousin to Rebecca Hogan: 1 male <5, some children’s names exist, but without birth dates; 2 females 5-<10 (females placed off-line by census taker and hard to determine which family they belong.); 1 male 40-<50, Solomon Hogan born 1791-1800; 1 female 40-<50, wife Abigail Monett
Nathan Morphew (on same page as above persons): 1 male 0<5; 1 male + 1 female 10-<15, 1 female 15-<20; 1 male + 1 female 40-<50.
Benjamin Morphew (on same page as above persons): 1 male and 1 female 0-<5; 2 males 5-<10; 1 male 20-<30; 1 female 30-<40.
On the 1840 U.S. Census of Monroe Township, Putnam County, Indiana:
Joseph Agers (Joseph T. Eggers), son of William M. Eggers, below: 1 female <5 Mary E. (1839/40); 1 male 15-<20, Joseph Eggers (1820/21), 1 female 20-<30, wife Mahala Hogan (~1821), daughter of Washington Hogan.
William Agers (William Milton Eggers), son of Daniel Eggers, Sr., whose daughter Avis married Joseph Morphew: 2 males <5, Squire F. (1838) and Enoch (1835);
1 male and 1 female 5-<10 Tabitha (1832) and ?; 2 males 10-<15, Joseph (1820) and Daniel B. (1830); 1 female 15-<20, name not known; 1 male 40-<50, William M. Eggers (1795), son of Daniel Eggers, Sr.; 1 female 40-<50, Mary Tatum (1799), daughter James P. Tatum
Joshua Morphew (next household to William Eggers): 1 female 15-<20 (females off-line by census taker, hard to tell which entry they belong. One female is his wife and the other two may be sisters; 1 female 20-<30; 1 female 30-<40; 1 male 20-<30, Joshua Morphew (1818), son of Benjamin Morphew (1788) - who died before 1840.
Mary Morphew (next household to Joshua Morphew): 1 female 10-<15; (females off-line by census taker, which is hard to tell which family they belong. This probably Naomi (1827/28); 2 females 15-<20, Diana (1823/24), and ?; 1 female 20-<30, Sarah (1816/17); 1 female 50-<60, Mary Townsend, wife who married Benjamin Morphew (1788), now deceased. Benjamin was a brother to Joseph Morphew.
Milburn Hogg (on same page as previous three entries): 1 male <5, Milburn Hogg, Jr. (1845/46); 1 male 20-<30, Milburn Hogg; 1 female <5, name unknown; 1 female 20-<30, wife Martha Morphew (1812/1816) and daughter of Joseph and Avis Morphew.
1840 U.S. Census of Adair County, Kentucky:
Daniel Murphey: 2 males 0-<5; 1 male + 1 female 5-<10; 2 females 10-<15; 1 male + 1 female 30-<40
1850 U.S. Census of Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana:
Benjamin Murphy, 40, N.C; Jane Murphy 40, N.C; Daniel Murphy, 18, Indiana; Joseph Murphy 15, In.; Anderson Murphy 13, In.; Catherine Murphy 11, In.; David Murphy 9, In.; Frank C. Murphy 7, In.; Elizabeth Murphy 4, In.; John Murphy 2, In.; Alexander 13 months, In.
Nathan Morphew, age 53, born N.C.; Lucy Morphew, 52, Va.; James Morphew 23, Ky.; Malinda Morphew 26, In.; Henry Morphew 13, In.; Harriet Morphew 8, In.; David Morphew 30, Teacher, In.
Elijah Allen household, age 27, Kentucky: Silas Morphew, 25, Ezra Morphew 23, Carpenter.
In household of John + Julia Springer: Betsy Connor 31, Ohio; Rebecca C. Connor 11 Indiana; Mary M. Connor 9 Indiana; Maria J. Connor 2 Indiana.
1850 U.S. Census of Marion Township, Putnam County, Indiana
Milburn Hogg 39, farmer, born ? Martha Hogg 34, In.; Williamson Hogg14, In.; Nancy A. Hogg 12, In.; Martha Hogg 9, In.; Milburn Hogg 5, In.; Richard Hogg 3, In.
1850 U.S. Census of Monroe Township, Putnam County, Indiana
Joshua Murphy 36, born Ohio; Naomi Murphy 30, Indiana; Phebe Aldridge 50, North Carolina, Mary Aldridge 25, Ohio.
1850 U.S. Census of Menard County, Illinois:
Joseph Morphew 42, North Carolina; Clarinda Morphew 39, Virginia; E.A. Morphew, 12 (male), Ia (county states Ia. means Indiana); M.A. Morphew 10 (female), Illinois; N.J. Morphew (female) 7, Illinois. (Could this be our Joseph Morphew, with birth date too young?) Morphew is listed as Murphew, but image looks more like Morphew.
1860 U.S. Census of Town of Greencastle, Greencastle Township, Putnam County, Indiana:
Milburn Hogg 50, Day laborer, Kentucky; Milburn Hogg 14, Ind; Nathan Hogg 9, Indiana.
1860 U.S. Census of Monroe Township, Putnam County, Indiana:
Naomi Morphew 40, farmer, Indiana; Pheba Aldridge 50, North Carolina; Preston Alenbau 23, Illinois; Mary Allenbau 24, Ohio. Two entries away is:
Mary Morphew 81? Farmer, South Carolina; Sarah Morphew 41, Ohio; Dinah Morphew 33, Ohio.
1860 U.S. Census of Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana
Nathan Morphew 61 N.C; Elisabeth 61 N.C; Harriet 18, Indiana. Next door is:
Henry Morphew 23 Indiana; Elisabeth Morphew 20 Indiana; Armilda Morphew 1 Indiana.
William J. Picket 20 farmer, Indiana; Mary M. Picket 19 Indiana. Next door is:
William Hinkle 45 + Polly (age 29?), 5 children, and Elisabeth Bonner 47 domestic, Kentucky; Mariah Bonner 11, Indiana. (Bonner should be Conner)
Daniel B. Eggers 30 Indiana; Rebecca Eggers 22 Indiana; Catherine Eggers 10 Indiana; Delia Eggers 8 Indiana; Malisa Eggers 3 Indiana; Jesse E. Eggers 3 Indiana; Daniel Eggers 1/12 Indiana.
1860 U.S. Census of P.O. Lebanon County, Harrison Township, Boone County, Indiana (hand-written page 975):
Daniel Merphew 27 farmer, Ind; Jane Merphew 19 Ind, Catharine 7/12 Indiana. Next to them is:
William A. Merphew 23, Indiana, Elizabeth Merphew 19 Indiana.
1860 U.S. Census of Timber Township, Peoria County, Illinois
Wilzel, Jacob, age 52, wagonmaker, born Pa.; Sarah Wilzel 29, Pa.; Leano Wilzel (female) 17, Illinois; Samuel Wilzel 12, Ill.; Martha Silzel 7, Pa.; Pioree Silzel 5; Filavilla Silzel 3; Joseph Wonder 24, wagonmarker, Pa.; Enos A. Morfew 22, wagonmaker, Pa.
Kricher, John, 55, farmer, Pa.; Clarinda Kricher 48, Va.; John Kricher 18, Pa.; Amelia Kricher 15, Pa.; Henry Kricher 11, Pa.; Mariah Kricher 8, Illinois; Mary Morphew 19, Illinois.
1860 U.S. Census of Eel River Township, Hendricks County, Indiana:
Benjamin Murphy 69, Milling, North Carolina (should be age 49); Jane Murphy 55, North Carolina; Joseph Murphy 26 Indiana, Alexander 22, North Carolina; David Murphy 18, Indiana; Benjamin F. Murphy 60, Indiana (should be age 17); Nathan Murphy 54, Indiana (should be age 16), Elizabeth Murphy 16, Indiana; John Murphy 12, Indiana (should be Johnne); Joshua Murphy 7, Indiana.
1860 U.S. Census of Putnam County, Tennessee:
Simeon Murphey 20, Kentucky; Martha Murphey 28, Tennessee; William P. Murphey 3, Tennessee, Daniel Murphey 3/12 Tennessee; Elizabeth J. Murphey, 3/12 Tennessee (District 16, page 98, census taken 24 July 1860)
Joseph Murphey 23, Kentucky; Nancy E. Murphey 22, Tennessee; “Ama J.” Murphey 4 (female), Tennessee; Daniel Murphey 1, Kentucky (District 11, page 70).
1860 U.S. P.O Mafield, Census of District #10, S. of Cumberland River, Jackson County, Tennessee:
Daniel Murphey 59 N.C; Anna Murphy 54 N.C; Elizabeth 34 Ky (insane), Mary Murphey 14, Tennessee; J.P. Loveall 34 Ky; Anna Loveall 26 Ky; Margie Loveall Tn; Joseph Loveall Tn; Next on census is:
Stephen Lovall 23, Ky; Emalisa Lovall 18, Ky; William Lovall 1 Ky.
1870 U.S. Census of New Maysville, Jackson Township, Putnam County, Indiana, page 134
Nathan Morphew, 71, N.C. farmer; Lucy Morphew 71 N.C; David Morphew 13, Indiana; David C. Morphew 50, Indiana; two entries away is:
Henry Morphew 33, farmer, Indiana; Elizabeth Morphew 29, Ind; Armelda Morphew 11 In (f); Critendon Morphew 6, In; James C. Morphew 3, In; in same household is David Lane, 23, Physician, In.
William Dewitt 32 Indiana; Maria Dewitt 21 Indiana; Arminda Dewitt 6 Indiana; Siza? A. Dewitt 1 Indiana; Elizabeth Connor 50, Indiana
Daniel Eggers 40 Indiana; Rebecca Eggers 33 Indiana ; Delila Eggers 17 Indiana; Mary Eggers 15 Indiana; Lexis Eggers 13 Indiana; Douglass Eggers 10 Indiana; Dennis Eggers 7 Indiana; Elizabeth Eggers 10/12 Indiana
1870 U.S. Census of Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana:
William Hinkle 57, N.C; Mary Hinkle 35 In; Jesse Hinkle In; Delila Hinkle 18 In; Isaac Hinkle 11 In; Marion Hinkle 1 Ind; Charles Pickett 8 In; Jne Pickett 5 In.
1870 U. S. Census of Eel River Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, page 355
Benj. Morphew, 60, N.C.; Jane Morphew 65, N.C; William? 24 (m) In; Johnne Morphew 18 (m) Indiana. Next to him is
Joseph Morphew 33, miller saw grist, In; Margaret Morphew 25, In; Sarah Morphew 8 In; Rebecca Morphew 6 In; Catherine Morphew 4, In.
William Morphew 33, farming, In; Elizabeth Morphew 30, keeping house, In; Frances Morphew 2, In. (page 350)
1870 U.S. Census of Union Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, page 353
David Morphew, 36, miller, saw, Indiana; Mary 30, keeping house, 30, Ind; Catharine Morphew, 10, Ind; Sarah Morphew 9 Ind; Benjamin Morphew 6 Ind; John Morphew 4, Ind; Edward Morphew 2 Ind.
1870 U.S. Census of Pleasant Plain P.O., Cartwright Township, Sangamon, Illinois:
Enos A. Morphew 33, wheelright, Indiana; Mary A. Morphew 26, Pa. Ulysseus G. Morphew 4, Illinois; Lelia K. Morphew 2, Illinois.
1870 U.S. Census of Jackson County, Tennessee:
Simeon Morphew, age 31, Tn; Martha E. Morphew 38, Tn; Daniel Morphew 10, Tn; Elizabeth J. Morphew 9, Tn; John Morphew 8, Tn; Joseph A. Morphew 3, Ky; Mary Morphew 4/12, Tn; Amanda 4/12, Tn.
1870 U.S. Census of Princeton Pct., Caldwell County, Kentucky, page 475
J.G. Morphew, 39 (m) Ky; Elizabeth 37, Tn; L.D. 16 (m) Tn; R.S. 14 (f) Tn; W.C. 12 (m) Tn; Joseph 10 (m), Ky; T.W. 9 (m), Ky; A.M. 6 (f), Ky; (and) W. C. Bullington, 19 (male) Tn.
1870 U.S. Census of Goshen Pct., Warren County, Kentucky, page 170
Jos. Morphew, 33, (m) Ky; N.E. 32 (f), Miss; AJCA 14 (f) Tn; Dan S. 11 (m) Ky; P.J. 9 (f), Tn.
1880 U.S. Census of Jackson Township, Putnam County, Indiana (Page 346C):
William McCloud, age 24, living in household is Nathan Morphew, 82, grandfather, retired farmer, born North Carolina, parents born unknown.
Willis DeWitt 44, In; Mariah J. Dewitt 36 In; Minnie Dewitt 16 In; Eliza Dewitt 11 In; Ellsworth Dewitt 8 In; Rachel Dewitt 6 In; William W. Dewitt 3 In; James Dewitt 4 months In.
1880 U.S Census of Floyd Township, Putnam County, Indiana:
Daniel Eggers 50 Indiana; Rebecca C. Eggers 42 Indiana; Daniel D. Eggers 20 Indiana; Dennis B. Eggers 17 Indiana; Clarida Eggers 10 Indiana; Truman Eggers 6 Indiana; not named 1 Indiana.
William Hinkle 65 N.C; Mary M. Hinkle 39 In; Marion Hinkle 12 Ind; Eddie (dau) 10 In; Elmore Hinkle 5 In; John Hinkle 3 In; Edith Hinkle 8 m; Charles M. Pickett, s.son 15 In; Jane N. Pickett 13 stepdaughter In.
1880 U.S. Census of Eel River, Hendricks County, Indiana:
Benjamin Morphew 69, N.C., both parents born N.C.; Jane Morphew 74, N.C.; Joshua Morphew, son, 27, single, In; John Bridgewaters, brother-in-law, single, 44, N.C.; Sarah Morphew, cousin, 60, single, In. (page 480A)
Daniel Morphew 47 In; Mary Jane Morphew, wife 45 In; John Morphew, son, 13 In; Eddie Morphew son 12 In; Joshua Morphew son 8, In; Freeman Morphew, male son, 5 In. (478B)
Joseph Morphew 46 In; Margaret, wife 36, In; Rebecca Morphew, dau 16 In; Kitty Morphew dau, 14, In; Lenora M. Morphew dau. 8, In; Christina F. Morphew dau, 5, In. Lula M. Morphew, dau. 2 In. (480B)
William A. Morphew 43, In; Elizabeth Morphew, wife 43, In; Francis E. Morphew, dau. 12 In; Elnora A. Morphew, dau, 7 In. (480A)
Benjamin F. Morphew 37 In; Mary C. Morphew, wife, 34, In; Laura E. Morphew, dau., 14, In; Sarah Morphew, dau, 12 In; James R. Morphew, son, 8 In: Viola Morphew, Dau, 6, In; Rebecca J. dau. 4 In. (480B)
Nathan Morphew 35 In; Cyrnia Morphew, wife, 20, In; Robert O. Morphew, son, 1 In.
1880 U.S. Census of District 1, Scottsville, Allen County, Kentucky:
Daniel W. Morphew, head, 27, born Tn,; Mary Morphew, wife, 26, Ky; Thomas Morphew, 5 Ky, John Morphew 3, Ky; Mittie Morphew, daughter, 1 Ky.
Lewis Morphew, head, 26 Tn; Laura B. Morphew, wife, 21 Ky.; George Morphew, son 4 Ky; __ Morphew, daughter, 8 months, Ky.
John G. Morphew, self, 49, Ky.; Elizabeth Morphew, wife 48, Tn; William C. Morphew 21, single, Tn; Josiah Morphew, single, 20, Ky; Thomas W. Morphew, single, 17, Ky; Amy M. Morphew 15, Ky; William C. Bullington, other, single, 28, Tn.
1880 U.S. Census of Fredonia Township, Caldwell County, Kentucky:
Simeon G. Morphew 41, Ky; Elizabeth Morphew, wife 18, Tn.; John W. Morphew son 17, Tn; Thomas W. Morphew, son, 1 Ky; Annie Coplin, sister-in-law, 15, single, Tn.
1880 U.S. Census of Squaw Township, Warren County, Iowa, page 420:
Leona Allumbaugh age 58, keeping house, born Ohio, father – Ohio, Mother – N.C.; Phoebe Aldrich, age 79, mother, born N.C., parents born N.C.; Foreman, Henry, 39, farmer, born W. Va., parents Va.; Foreman, Kevdia, 40, sister, housekeeper, born W. Va., parents Va.; Foreman, J.E., age 17, nephew, laborer, born Iowa, father Va., mother Pa.
1900 U.S. Census of Mining City, Butler County, Kentucky:
Daniel W. Morphew, head, July 1852, 47, married 27, born Tn, father born Ky, mother born Tn; Mary J. Morphew, wife, November 1855, 44, married 27 years, 10 children, 9 living, born Ky; parents born Ky; Bernie Morphew, son, July 1883, 16, Ky.; Emma M. Morphew dau., March 1886, 14, Ky; James I. Morphew, son, August 1887, 12, Ky; Alice Morphew, dau. April 1891, 9, Ky; Effie Morphew, dau., December 1895, 4 Ky.
John W. Morphew, head, November 1876, 23, married 3 years, born Ky; parents born Ky; Naomi J. Morphew, wife, Feb. 1877, 23, one child, one living; born Ky. parents born Ky; Ara A. Morphew (son), April 1899, Ky.
1900 U.S. Census of First Magistative District, Butler County, Kentucky
Thomas Morphew, head, Feb. 1875, 25, married 6 years, Ky, Tn, Tn; Ada Morphew, wife, January 1872, 28, married 6 years, 3 children, 3 living, Ky. Ky. Ky; Clarence P. Morphew, son, October 1894, 5, Ky; William?? R. Morphew, son, November 1896, 3, Ky; Laura S. Morphew, daughter, November 1899, 1, Ky, Elizabeth Morphew, mother, January 1834, age 66, 7 children, 6 living. Tn, Tn, Tn.
1900 U.S. Census of Bowling Green Township, Warren County: Kentucky
James C. Morphew, head, January 1873, 27, married 2 years, Ky; parents born Ky; Mary _?_ Morphew, wife, March 1879, 20, married 2 years, no children, born Ky, father born Ky, mother born Mo. There are 11 relatives also living in their house. (page 147A)
Joseph Morphew, head, October 1836, 63, Married 17 years, born Ky. parents born N.C.; Julie E. Morphew, wife, August 1844, 55, married 17 years, no children; born Georgia, father born Virginia, mother born S.C.; Jerry Gleason, boarder, January 1833, 67, widower, born Ireland; Edgie M. Morphew, niece, born July 1885, 14, single, born Ky, father born Ky, mother born Tn; Gerdie M. Speck, servant, August 1881, 18 single, born Ky. (page 182A)
Pleasant J. Morphew, head, May 1861, 39, married 14 years, born Tn, parents born Ky; Mary E. Morphew, wife, December 1867, 32, married 14 years, 6 children, 5 living, born Ky, parents born Ky; Jessie G. Morphew, daughter, November 1886, 13, Ky; Harry M. Morphew, son, June 1889, 11 Ky; Charles P. Morphew, son, March 1891, 9; Claude G. Morphew, July 1893, 6, Ky; Elbert Morphew, son, October 1896, 3 Ky; Sarah J. Scott, servant, November 1881, 18, Tn. (page 179)
1900 U.S. Census of Goshen Magisterial District, Warren County, Kentucky:
Simon Morphey, head, May 1839, married 23 years, born Ky, parents born Ky.; Lizzie Morphew, wife, January 1862, 38, married 23 years, 6 children, 4 living, Ky; parents born Ky; _?_ daughter, July 1885, 14, Ky; Jimmie Morphew, son, March 1887, 14, single, Ky; Rosco Morphew, son, July 1892, 7 Ky. (page 263A)
John Morphew, February 1863, age 37, married 11 years, born Ky, parents born Ky; Annie Morphew September 1871, 28, married 11 years, 4 children with 4 living, born Ky, parents born Ky. Lewis S. Morphew, April 1890, 10, Kentucky; Navier (/) A. daughter, February 1892, age 8, Ky; Thomas W. Morphew May 1896, 5, Ky; Fredric Morphew, December 1897, 2, Kentucky.
1900 U.S. Census of Eel River Township, Hendricks County, Indiana:
“Nathan Morpew,” head, October 1844, 55, married 22 years, In, N.C. N.C; Rena V Morphew, wife Janaury 1860, 40, Married 22 years, 5 children, 4 living, In, Va. Va; Robert O. Morphew, son, June 1879, 21, In, Artie T. Morphew, daughter, September 1882, 17, In; Arlie C. Morphew, son July 1899, 11/12, In. (page 172)
Margaret Murphew, head, September 1844, 55, widow, In, Ky, Ky; Joseph Murphew, son, March 1885, 15, In; Stanley Sanders, son-in-law, January 1864, 36, widower, In, In, In. (page 178)
W. A. Morphew, head, April 1837, 63, married 41 years, In, N.C, N.C; Elizabeth Morphew, wife, July 1840, 60, married 41 years, 3 children, 2 living, In. In. In.
Morphew, John, head, March 1848, 52, married 23 years, In, Va. Va., Laura, wife, May 1860, 40, married 23 years, 7 children, 6 living, In, In. In.; Ada Morphew, dau, November 1883, 16, In; Ethy Morphew, dau, June 1886, 14, In; Alta T. Morphew, son, March 1889, 11, In; Vertil, son, January 1899, 1, In.
1900 U.S. Census of Jackson Township, Putnam County, Indiana, page 267:
Benj. F. Morphew, head, January 1842, 58, married 36 years, In, Va. N.C; Mary C. Morphew, wife, June 1848, 52, married 36 years, 9 children, 6 living, In, Va. Va; Robert J. Morphew, son, January 1873, 27, single, In; Orvill D. Morphew, son, January 1881, 19, In.
Mary M. Hinkle April 1842, 38, widow, 10 children, 9 living, Ind, Ind, Ind; Elmer S. Hinkle Dec 1875 In; John Hinkle Dec 1873, 26, In; Rosetta Hinkle April 1882, 18, In.
1910 U.S. Census of 3rd District, Butler County Kentucky, page 206B.
John G. Morphew, head 47, Tn, Tn, Tn, general farming; Annie Morphew , wife 36, Ky, VA. Tn., children's names very hard to read, but interpete names via 1900 census to Lewis S. Morphew, April 1890, 10, Ky; Thomas W. Morphew 5, May 1896; Fred 2, December 1897, Ky.
1920 U.S. Census of Precinct 1, Hunt County, Texas
Ellen Crawford, 38, widow, born Kentucky; Elizabeth F. Crawford, daughter 19 Kentucky; Charles H. Crawford son 18 Kentucky; Elias R. Crawford son 15 Kentucky; Elizabeth Morphew, mother, 58 widow, Kentucky.