Isham Bobbitt (Bobbit)

Isham Bobbitt

Born 3 May 1754 at Granville County (now Warren County), North Carolina (from military pension records)

Married: Elizabeth James on 13 October 1774 or 1775 in North Carolina, "25 miles from Halifax," per wife, Elizabeth Bobbitt on 1840 pension paper.  Could this be somewhere on Fishing Creek in today's Warren County?

Died: ? March 1836 at Morgan County, Illinois and was buried at the Paschal Farm Cemetery near Markham.  This cemetery was later closed and the tombstone and possibly the grave was moved to the Chapin Cemetery in Chapin, Morgan County, Illinois. 

Parents: John Richard Bobbitt (1725 Bertie County, N.C. to 1791 Warren County, N.C.) and Amy Alston (1730 Bertie County, N.C. to 1796 Warren County, North Carolina

            Signature written as “Isham Bobbitt” 

            Any middle name use is to be considered suspect unless the source is known.


Elizabeth James

            Born:  1756 Edgecombe County (now Halifax County), North Carolina

            Died:  6 May 1847 Morgan County, Illinois

            Parents:  William James and Nancy __  of Warren County, N.C.


2nd edition, Morphew/Murphy Story, J.R. Murphy, 22 March 2006


(I). Granville County N.C. to 1763

Bute County, N. C. 1764 – 1774   


            See Chapter on John R. Bobbitt + Amy Alston.       


(2). Rich Creek Mountain, Fincastle County, Virginia 29 May 1774


            SIR:  "I received your Letter dated the __ of this instant and I have conformed myself to it, and I find that there is in that bounds from Rich Creek Mountain to where the county line strikes the river thirty men which are: (included) Ishmall Babit.  Also I must acquaint you that the most of these men is bad off for arms and ammunition and I believe (I) cannot get them (any).  All from your Servant at Command, (signed Captain) Michael Woods," (dated) 29 May 1774.  (From "Documentary History of Dunmore's War 1774, by Gold Thwaites and Louise Phelps Kellogg, 1905)


            Comment:  Given this is our Isham Bobbitt, this letter suggests that before Isham Bobbitt married, he planned to settle here or file for a land grant.  Perhaps due to Indian dangers he returned to North Carolina to be married.     He was not at the Battle of Point Pleasant (W. Virginia) in 10 October 1774 because he married three days later in eastern North Carolina. 


            The "bounds from Rich Creek Mountain," is land stretching from today's Rich Creek, Giles County, Virginia into Monroe County, West Virginia.  In August 1774, Fincastle volunteer soldiers assembled and then marched along the New River "through Rich Creek Gap, now "Symms' Gap in Peters' Mountain, thence across the present county of Monroe, West Virginia to Camp Union."  They were on their way to Point Pleasant on the Ohio River.  (From "History of the Battle of Point Pleasant," by Virgil A. Lewis, 1909.


(3). Bute County, North Carolina 1774 – 1779 (discontinued 1779, part becoming Warren County.


            (4). Warren County, North Carolina 1779 – 1780 (Established 1779)


            1779 Warren County, North Carolina Tax List, inventory taken by Thomas Turner(?) William, not listed a, b, c or alphabetically. 

                        Isham Bobbitt, value taxable property 751.12


            On 12 September 1780, Isham Bobbitt entered 500 acres on the head of Gunters Creek, with land bordering William Jean, Phil Alston, Thomas Blanchett, James Dowlan, Richard Acock, Isaac James.  A further clue to this locations is noted 11 February 1788 warrant to Samuel Alston for 300 acres in Warren County on the waters of Gunters Creek and the branches of Fishing Creek, bordering Isham Bobbit's entry and adjoining other vacant land.  Alston appears to be a relative to Isham's mother.  ("Abstracts of Land Entries, Bute County, North Carolina 1778 – 1779) by Dr. A.B. Pruitt)  


(5). American Revolutionary Soldier 1780-1781


                                          MILITARY RECORDS


       Isham Bobbitt was a North Carolina Revolutionary War soldier, as a private and a sergeant.  “He was a native of North Carolina and was in service under Captain Farley, and was at the siege of Yorktown.  After the war was ended, he removed to Illinois, settling in Morgan County, where he died.  He was pensioned.”  From Illinois Revolutionary War veteran records.


       Pension records state he enlisted five times:


             1.  Enlisted in Granville County, North Carolina from 1 February 1780 until 1 June 1780 under command of Captain Christmus, Regiment of Colonel Allen, and General Caswell.


             2.  Three months tour of duty with Colonel Long, a Quarter Master General and was a wagon maker and repaired army wagons gear.


             3.  Volunteered as a private under Captain George Nasworthy, Colonel Williams – Regiment, under General Eaton's brigade on January 1781 until ?   Joined near Hillsborough fought at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse March 15, 1781 and at Ramsey’s Mill on Deep River. 


            From Lt. Colonel Henry Lee on Guilford Court House Battle:  “To our infinite distress and mortification, the North Carolina militia took flight, a few only of Eaton’s brigade excepted.”


            4. Volunteered for Captain Harris and Colonel Reed from 1 April 1781 until 1 July 1781.


            5. Volunteered under Captain Twitty in the North Carolina Troops about the middle of September 1781 and was a forage master.  He was at the surrender of Cornwallis. 


            Details of key pension papers are found in sections 10 and 11. 


                (6). Guilford County, North Carolina 1781 - 1787                                 


     On 7 May 1782, “Isham Bobbit” and Charles Bruce witnessed a deed from Hugh Blair of Guilford County to Nathaniel Tatum for 440 acres on the north side of Haw River. 


            In November 1782, “Ishaim Bobbet,” Juston Knott, and Hugh McKillip witnessed a deed by William Woods of Washington County, N.C. to Charles Madeares of Guilford County for 200 acres on both sides of Mill Branch.  This deed was proved in the August Count 1783 by Isham Bobbet. 


            Previously in 22 October 1782, a "Thomas Bobbett" was granted 200 acres on the waters of Bulues Creek.  This creek is so close to the western edge of the county that records in old Surry and Rowan Counties were searched, but no other Bobbits were found.  


      There is a 22 inch by 32 inch map which is being sold at the Guilford Court House           National Monument of Guilford County showing many pre-1800 Guilford County settlers and where they lived.  Thomas Bobbit - 1782 is included.  There also is a William James - 1754 perhaps 3-4 miles east of Thomas Bobbit and wonder if he is William James, father of Elizabeth James who married Isham Bobbitt.  


            In the August Guilford 1785 court term, “John Bobbitt” is appointed overseer of the road for the Rocky Spring to the County line.  Which John Bobbitt is not known.


     In the May term 1787, Guilford County ordered that Philip Jean be appointed overseer of the road from Rockingham line (county established 1785 from Guilford) to Surry County line near Mr. Cooks and with the hands to wit: John Moore, Richard Perry, Islam Bobbets, John Woodaide keep the same in good repair.


             (7). Spartenburgh County, South Carolina 1788? – 1803


            Isham Bobbitt is on the 1790 U.S. Census of Spartenburgh County, unknown township, South Carolina.


                 (8). Christian County, Kentucky 1803 – 1826/29


 Tax lists for Christian County show for the first time John and William J. Bobbitt in 1804, Isham and Stephen Bobbitt in 1805, and Allen Bobbitt in 1806.  The last tax record mentioning Isham Bobbitt, Sr. is 1824, although there is an Isham Bobbit listed in 1826, but Sr. or Jr. is not given.


The Bobbitts all lived on the distal reaches Tradewater River and-or the Barren Branch of the Tradewater River in northern Christian County. The Tradewater River flows northward to empty into the Ohio River.   Isham + Elizabeth Bobbitt lived about one mile northwest of Kelly, Christian County, Kentucky.  Kelly is approximately 7.8 miles due-north from the center-point of Hopkinsville.  A small Bobbitt cemetery is said to exist near their farm, being descendants of their son, John W. Bobbitt.



Some early Christian County deeds, surveys, and land entries show the following:


            10 August 1803, land surveyed for William Bobbitt, 100 acres on Barren Fork or Tradewater River, Christian County, Kentucky, #1015, with signatures of Jurel? Jackson, John Bobbitt, and Samuel Bradley.   Granted _ October 1805 to William Bobbitt, 100 acres, Deed Book B, page 206, Land Office Certificate #2626.   Tax records show William Bobbitt had 200 acres in 1804, and by 1807, he has three parcels of 160, 200 and 400 acres.


            10 August 1803, land surveyed for John Bobbitt, 200 acres on Barren Fork of Tradewater River, Christian County, Kentucky, certificate Jessel Jackson’s line.  Signed: William Bobbitt and Jno Bobbitt, with Saml Bradley.


            8 April 1804 in Land Entry Book #4:  Amy Bobbitt entitled to 200 acres on Barrent Fork of the Tradewater, beginning on Uly? Bobbit’s line.  Page 139.


            8 April 1804, Land Entry Book #4:  Allen Bobbit, 400 acres on waters of Tradewater, page 145.


            9 April 1804, Land Entry Book #4:  Isham Bobbitt, 400 acres on Tradewater beginning on John Bobbit’s line, page 139.  In 1806, tax lists show “Isom Bobbet” to have two parcels on 250 acres and 200 acres.


            9 April 1804, Land Entry Book #4:  Stephan Bobbitt is entitled to 200 acres lying on the Tradewater, page 144.    




            On Monday, 1 December 1823, The Christian County court ordered that “William Long, Edmund McKinney, and Isham Bobbitt, Sr., on account of their age and infirmities, be forever hereafter exempt from paying county levis within this county.”


(9). Morgan County, Illinois 1827+


The first Bobbitt known to settle in Morgan County is a John G. Bobitt in 1829, and probably was there earlier.  Three Chrismans (Christman) and two Jones married children of Isham Bobbitt.   All five families migrated to Morgan County by 1830 and lived near one-another.  Pension statements indicate Isham and Elizabeth were living with John and Nancy Bobbitt Chrisman from about 1812.  The 1830 U.S. Census of Morgan County indicates two adults, age 70-80, likely to be Isham and Elizabeth Bobbitt, living with the John Chrisman family, and who live very close to their son, William J. Bobbitt.  


Isham Bobbitt was buried at the Pascal Farm Cemetery near Markham, Morgan County, Illinois.  This is the same cemetery that Samuel Jones, Revolutonary War Soldier, was buried.  Isham Bobbitt was reburied in the Chapin Cemetery (Chapin, Morgan County, Illinois) or at least his tombstone exists there.  The location of the Chapin Cemetery is on the south side of route 104, approximately 1000 feet west of the Mauvaise Terre River Bridge.  The new 2006 four lane divided highway did not affect the cemetery grounds.


His gravestone still exists (2006) and states: "Isham Bobbitt, a soldier of the revolution, died March 6, 1836, aged 83 years.  Elizabeth his wife died May 7, 1847."


(10). Children of Isham Bobbitt and Elizabeth James:


(I). William James Bobbitt (born 1775 at Halifax County, N.C. and died 1835 at Morgan County, Illinois) married Elizabeth Hail? Hale? or Hall?   The marriage bond is dated 8 July 1808 Christian County, Kentucky, and is signed by William Bobbitt and Stephan Bobbitt (county record).


            Christian County tax records note William Bobbitt from 1804 to 1813, but not after.


In June 1818, John Cornelius of Christian County, Kentucky was appointed to survey a part of a road from Hopkinsville to Saline, commencing at a marked black oak at Bobbitt’s old place to Muddy Fork.  In the fall of 1818, the court order was amended to read, “From the Sinking Fork to a road oak on said road near William Bobbitt’s old place,” instead of from the Muddy Fork. 


William Bobbitt lived in the following probable locations:


            1804-1814, but not later, in Christian County, Kentucky tax lists.

1810 U.S. Census of Christian County, Kentucky next to John and Isham Bobbit

1830 U.S. Census of Morgan County, Illinois as William J. Bobbitt, living near Stephan Bobbitt and the Christman Clan.


(II). Allen Bobbitt (born 1776 at Halifax County, N.C. and died 1809) married Nancy Smith about 1798 in South Carolina. 


            On 10 August 1803, Allen received a Christian County, Kentucky Land Grant of 100 acres on Barren Folk of Tradewater Creek.  Allen Bobbitt appears on the Christian County tax from 1806 to 1809.  On the December 1809, the Christian County Court records noted that pursuant to a January 1809 term order, debts owed to Allen Bobbit had been collected and included:

            1st order on Isham Bobbit...$1.00

            2nd order on Isham Bobbit...$8.00

Also, the following property was received:  5 chairs, 1 table, 1 pail, two bedsteads, one loom, 1 spinning wheel, 1 grindstone, a small quantity of corn in the husk, 1 small horse __, 1 small heifer, 1 small skillet.          


(III). Winney or Winny Bobbitt (born 1778 at Halifax County, N.C.) married Edward Smith about 1795 in South Carolina.  Her mother's pension records state she went to Alabama and lost contact with the family. 


(IV). Stephan Bobbitt (born 21 November 1779 at Halifax County, North Carolina and died 27 February 1856 at Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois) married Barbara Christman (Chrisman) on 29 June 1814, and their 24 June 1814 marriage bond was signed by Stephan Bobbitt and Michael (“x”) Christman (county record). 


            Christian County tax records note him from 1806 to 1825.


            He became a constable of Christian County from January 1816 to September 1816.  The December term of 1818 Christian County granted him a license for a tavern at his house.  On 3 January 1825, Christian County court ordered a new surveyor for the road beginning at the Sand Lick Fork running to S. Bobbett, to along the Saline road, thence along a said line to Samuel Jones line. 


Stephan and Barbara Bobbitt lived in the following locations:


            1805 to at least 1821 Christian County tax list (have not seen the 1823+ lists)

1810 U.S. Census of Christian County, Kentucky.

1820 U.S. Census of Christian County, Kentucky

1830 U.S. Census of Morgan County, Kentucky, near Thomas Jones

1835 Morgan County, Illinois.


(V). John W. Bobbitt (born 16 February 1782 at Warren County, North Carolina and died 25 July 1855 at Christian County, Kentucky) married 1st in 1802 to Hester Boney in South Carolina (county record) and reported 2nd to Lucy Jones in 3 October 1846 (no children by 2nd marriage).   Hester Boney Bobbitt died 9 September 1844. 


            An early court order book B (from 1805 to 1814), noted John Bobbitt was a surveyor of the Highland - Lick Road.   The 1810 U.S. Census of Christian County lists him next to Isham and William “Bobbit.”  A March 1819 Christian County Court book notes John Bobbitt produced to the court “credentials of origination as a minister of the Gospel and also of his being in regular communion with the Baptist Church...”  That “he is granted a testimonial in due solemnize the rites of marriage in the Commonwealth.  Bobbitt took the oath to support the Constitution of the Commonwealth....” 


            A Christian County history book (sorry, details missing) stated his Baptist ministry was probably on the present-day site of Kelly Baptist Church, located on two acres of land, located on an original Bobbitt grant donated in 1870.  John W. Bobbitt is buried in the Bobbitt family cemetery northwest of Kelly.  Descendants of this family lived on his farm near Kelly until about 1906, and the 2002 phone directory of Hopkinsville and area continued to list several “Bobbetts.”


            Children of John W. and Hester Bobbitt are:  (1) Elizabeth Bobbitt (~1804), (2) Willis Jefferson Bobbitt (~1806), (3) Sally Bobbitt (~1808), (4) Stephen D. Bobbitt (17 April 1810), (5) Lucinda Bobbitt (~1811), (6) Isham D. Bobbitt (10 February 1812), (7) John William Bobbitt (11 September 1813), (8) Emsley C. Bobbitt (1817),  (9) William G. Bobbitt (~1819).


(VI). Amey Bobbitt (born 1785 at Warren County, N.C.) married John Thompson

 7 February 1806 at Christian County, Kentucky (county record).


(VII). Francis "Fannie" Bobbitt (born 6 November 1787 at Guilford County, N.C. to 6 March 1836 at Morgan County, Illinois) married Lewis W. Jones on 11 April 1809 at Christian County, Kentucky (county record).  The marriage bond was signed by Lewis Jones and “William Bobbitt.”  See next generation in Chapter 7E.


(VIII). Elizabeth "Betsy" Bobbitt (born 1788 at Spartenberg County, South Carolina) married Thomas Jones 11 March 1812 at Christian County, Kentucky (county record).   Their marriage bond was signed by Thos. (“x”) Jones and William Bobbitt on the day before.  Thomas and Elizabeth Jones lived in the following locations:


            1820 U.S. Census of Christian County, Kentucky, next to Lewis Jones and near Samuel Jones.  

            1830 U.S. Census of Morgan County, Illinois, near Stephan Bobbitt.

            1840 questionably Morgan County, Illinois, adjacent Westmoreland Jones  



(IX). Nancy Bobbitt (born 13 October 1796 at Spartenberg County, South Carolina) married John Christman (Chrisman) 22 December 1811 at Christian County, Kentucky (county record).   Their marriage bond was signed by John (“x’) Christman and Isham Bobbitt.  There is a handwritten note with it:  “John Christman likens to marry my Daughter Nancy.  I am wiling.”  Signed “Isham Bobbitt, 1811.  The note suggests Nancy was underage and also shows this Nancy is not the wife of Allen Bobbitt, deceased.  John and Nancy Chrisman lived in the following locations:


            1818, March 17, Kentucky Land Grant, Christian Co., 150 acres on Tradewater Creek.

            1820 U.S. Census of Christian County, Kentucky.

            1830 U.S. Census of Morgan County, Illinois adjacent many Christmans and probably had Isham and Elizabeth Bobbitt living with them.

            1840 U.S. Census of Morgan County, Illinois.


(X).  Isham Drury Bobbitt (born 1791 at District 96, Spartenberg County, South Carolina) married Cynthiann Haggard 21 December 1824 at Trigg County, Kentucky (county record).  Christian County tax records note "Jr." in 1812, 1823, and 1824.  Isham Bobbitt lived in the following locations:


            1830 U.S. Census of Christian County, Kentucky – Isham Bobbitt, age 30-40.


(XI). Sarah "Sally" Bobbitt (born 1794 at Spartenburg County, South Carolina) married Michael Christman (Chrisman) on 19 October 1811 at Christian County, Kentucky (county record).  Their marriage bond was signed by Michael Christman and Isham Bobbitt.  They lived in the following known locations:


            1820 U.S. Census of Christian County, Kentucky

            1830 U.S. Census of Morgan County, Illinois, next to Jacob Christman

            1840 U.S. Census of Scott County, Illinois, next to George Chrisman, Jr and Sr.


(11). Pension Record for Isham Bobbitt



            His certificate of pension was issued 29 May 1833 and sent to Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois.  Application papers included (with spelling and other corrections):


            State of Illinois, County of Morgan:  On this third day of September 1832 personally appeared in open court before James Green, William Gillham, and William Woods, the Court of Commissioners of said County now sitting Isham Bobbit, a resident of the County of Morgan and State of Illinois aged 78 years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.


            That he entered the service of the United States as a volunteer in the County of Warren, North Carolina about the first of February 1780.  He then being a resident of that county that he was mustered into service at that time under the command of Captain Christmus and marched to Halifax where we were met by Colonel Allen who took the command of the Regiment to which our Company was attached and he marched us to Yarborough and thence to Cross Creek and Camden thence to Nelson's Ferry near Monks Corner thirty miles from Charlestown.  In a few days, the British Troops took Charlestown and then we were marched back to Camden in Company with Colonel Bluford of the Regular Army at which place we parted from him and marched under the command of General Caswell to Fayetteville and continued stationed there until the last of June or first of July at which time we were discharged by order of General Caswell.  I was first Sergeant during the whole of this campaign.


            I then went and worked a three month tour with Colonel Long, a Quarter Master General as a Saddler making and repairing wagon gearing for the Army wagons.  Some time in January 1781 Cornwallis was pursuing General Green, he then turned out a volunteer under Captain George Nasworthy, Colonel Williams commanded our Regiment and General Eaton commanded the Brigade.  We joined the Army under the command of General Greene near Hillsborough and marched to Guilford Courthouse where an engagement was had with Cornwallis Army; after a few days rest we pursued him to Ramsey's Mill on Deep River where some more fighting took place after which our Captain was taken sick and returned home.  General Green then turned his course to South Carolina and called for volunteers and I turned out under Captain Harris and Colonel Reed about the first of April 1781 and served three months under those officers from the first day of April until the first of July when I was discharged and returned home.


            About the middle of September I volunteered as a Forage Master under Captain Twitty and served in the Light Horse Company and found my own horse.  I continued in that service three months having been discharged about the middle of December of the same year under Captain Twitty, I marched from Warrentown into the State of Virginia and pursued Cornwallis to Little York and after the surrender of his army we returned to North Carolina and marched down near to Wilmington as a life guard to Governor Martin and then we returned to Harrisburg where we were discharged by order of Governor Martin and returned home to Warren County, North Carolina.


            My time of service in the first trip was 5 months.  The second tour as Sadler three months, the third under Nasworthy two months, the fourth under Harris and Colonel Reed was three months, and the last under Captain Twitty three months, working in all sixteen months that I was engaged in the service of the United States.  He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency....sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.  (signed) Isham Bobbitt


            We, William McCord, a Clergyman residing in the County of Morgan and Dudly Brannon and William Bobbit, all residents of the County of Morgan hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Isham Bobbit who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be seventy eight years of age that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion.  Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.  (signed) William McCord, Dudley Brannon, W. Bobbitt.



            "Inscribed on the Roll of Illinois at the rate of $47.50 per annum, is to commence on the 4th day of March 1832(?).  Certificate of Pension issued 29th day of May 1833 and sent to J. M Fairfield, Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois.  Arrears to the 4th of March 1833, semi-annual allowance end 4 September: $95.00 + 23.75 = $118.75." 


(11). Widow's Pension for Elizabeth Bobbitt


                                                                                                                                                            (First page is impaired and easy to misread, but has useful information)

            State of Illinois, Morgan County S.S:  On this tenth day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty (1840), personally appointed for the Court of Probate of the said County of Morgan being a Court of Record, Elizabeth Bobbitt a resident of the County of Morgan aged eighty four years who first being sworn according to Law, doth on oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the pension passed by the act of Congress passed July 4th 1836 and the joint resolution of July 7th, 1838 and she is the widow of Isham Bobbitt, late of Morgan County, Illinois who was a private of Infantry and private of Cavalry and Sergeant in the Army of the Revolution and had a pension granted in conformity with the laws of the United States of the 7 June 1832 in consideration of services rendered as a soldier in the Army of the Revolution.  She cannot state or specify the issued? possession __ __ __ to the declaration of the said Isham Bobbitt used the proof __ passage....the files of........and the pension certificate of the said Isham Bobbit, granted 9 May 1833 ...allotment forty seven dollars and fifty cents per annum and further declares that she married to said Isham Bobbitt on or about 13th of October in the year seventeen hundred and seventy four about twenty five miles from Halifax in the State of North Carolina.  That her husband the aforesaid Isham Bobbit departed this life in Morgan County, Illinois in March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, his pension was paid through the 4th of March 1836.  That she has (unreadable).... 


            Comment:  The first page above seems to be a draft and the following partly restarts again but has fewer corrections and crossed out words.



....soldier in the Army of the United States during the Revolutionary war, and who in consideration of his services was allowed and paid a pension by the Government of the United States under the provisions of the act of Congress passed 7th June 1832 for the relief of the surviving officers and soldiers of the Revolution.  She further declared that she was married to the said Isham Bobbett in the year one thousand seven hundred seventy five, the precise date she cannot recollect, that her husband the aforesaid Isham Bobbitt died on the (no day entered) day of March 1836 in the County of Morgan and the State of Illinois.  She was married to him prior to the commencement of the Revolutionary War, and was in the Army after this marriage and the birth of one of her children, Stephan Bobbitt.  She cannot state whether he served before this marriage or not.  She further states, that she lived with the said Isham Bobbett.   On his wife found this time of this marriage to the time of his death had by him the following named children – Winny, William, Allen, Stephan, Fanny, Amey, John, Isham?, Salley, Elizabeth, and Nancy.    She does not know that there is any record of the marriage in existence.  Her husband the said Isham kept a family Bible in which she believes the marriage was recorded with the date, and also the names and births of the children.  But the Bible has been worn out and destroyed.  She further states that she has heretofore applied for a pension and had forwarded to the Commissioners of Pensions evidence of her marriage to which she now refers to prove that fact.  Sworn and subscribed on the day and year above written in open court before me – I. A. Douglas.  (signed) Elizabeth (her "x" mark) Bobbitt



            Comment:  Notice that the year of marriage is 1774 and later 1775.  1774 would seem more accurate.



            State of Illinois Pike County S.S:  Personally appeared before this subscriber a Justice of the Peace within and for the County aforesaid, Stephan Bobbitt of same county (who I certify is a credible witness) who being sworn in ... that Elizabeth Bobbitt of Morgan County, Illinois who has applied for a pension under the acts and resolutions of Congress allowing pensions to the widows of Revolutionary pensioners, is his mother, that she is the widow of Isham Bobbitt his father, that since Isham Bobbitt issued a pension from the United States for several years previous to his death for services rendered in the War of the Revolution, that __ this service Stephan Bobbitt was born on the 21st of November 1779. (One thousand seven hundred and seventy nine) as he had always understood and believed, he has two brothers and one sister other than himself whose names viz: William, Winny, Allen.  William and Allen are dead, Winny is supposed to be living in the State of Alabama.  The same Stephan Bobbitt further states that he has always understood and believes that at the time of his birth his father Isham Bobbitt was in the Army.  He further states that ever since his remembrances the said Isham Bobbitt & Elizabeth Bobbitt lived together as man and wife to this time of his death of said Isham, they were always recognized by their relations and acquaintances as having had lawfully married, and they always recognized this __ married brothers and sisters as their children.  If this said Isham and Elizabeth were not lawfully married previous to the birth of any __ of the children before married, that this said Stephan believes that he would have heard something about it, but as before stated he has always understood and believed that they were lawfully married before the birth of any child.  He believed that names and ages of all these children aforesaid Isham and Elizabeth were put down in a family Bible, the names of the children and as follows: William, Allen, Winny, Stephan (the despondent), John, Amie, Fanny, Betsey, Isham, Salley, and Nancy.  He has not seen the Bible in which the names and ages were set down for several years, say, ten years.  He believes from information said of his brothers in law, that said Bible has been entirely destroy, so then cannot be found any record or register of the names and births of the children.  Subscribed and sworn to this 27 day of November 1840 before me – D. H. Gilmer, Justice of the Peace.  (Signed:) Stephen Bobbitt  





            In the Circuit Court of Morgan County Illinois, June Session 1841:  John Chrisman of the said County of Morgan being served states that he married a daughter of Isham and Elizabeth Bobbett and said Isham obtained a pension from the United States in consideration of services rendered as a soldier in the War of the Revolution.  Elizabeth Bobbitt who has signed the foregoing declaration is the widow of said Isham.  Said Isham died on the (no day given) of March 1836 in the County of Morgan and State of Illinois.  Said Isham and Elizabeth lived with the family of the deponent for about twenty four years before the death of said Isham and since that time said Elizabeth has lived with him.  He therefore states that said Isham had a Bible in which was set down the names and ages of the children of said Isham and Elizabeth, said Bible has been worn out, the base(?) became separated from the cover or binding and lost, some parts of the Bible are in possession of deponent at this time, but the part which was written the names and ages of the children aforesaid and __ __ and deponent believed they have long since been destroyed. He further states he was personally acquainted with all the children named by the said Elizabeth except Winney, and they have all have married as the children of said Isham and Elizabeth.   Deponent believes he made an affidavit as to that fact.  Subscribed and Service to this 28th day of June, 1841....S. Douglas, Justice of Peace, Justice of the Superior Court.  (Signed) John Chrisman


            State of Illinois, Scott County. S.S:  Dudley Brannan, being served, states, that he is personally acquainted with Elizabeth Bobbett, widow of Isham Bobbitt, late of said County.  He was also well acquainted with the said Isham Bobbett in his lifetime.  He became acquainted with the said Isham and Elizabeth Bobbitt in Spartenburg County, South Carolina about 50 years since.  He was born and raised in that county, his is now sixty three years old, they the said Isham and Elizabeth removed to the neighborhood when his residence when he was twelve or thirteen years of age.  They were then recognized by all who know them as being man and wife and had together as such, they had children who were recognized as legitimate.  According to the best of the deponent's recollections when he first became acquainted with said Isham and Elizabeth, they had living the following named children, viz: Winney, Allen, William, Stephan, John, Fanny, Amey, Elizabeth, Isham, and Salley.  This deponent and said Isham and Elizabeth resided in the same neighborhood in South Carolina until he arrived at the age of twenty two years when he removed to the State of Tennessee, during this time the said Elizabeth had one other child named Nancy.  The spring after he removed to Tennessee, the said Bobbett had his family removed to the same neighborhood and State, the acquaintance was then twice removed and continued until the said Isham Bobbitt removed to Illinois and two? years thereafter deponent removed to Illinois and settled near to where the said Isham and his family lived.  His acquaintance was continuous from that time until the death of Isham, and with said Elizabeth to this present time.  When he first became acquainted with said Isham and Elizabeth, several of their children were grown and from that time to this he has always understood and believed that said Isham and Elizabeth had been lawfully married.  The foregoing affidavit subscribe and serviced to before me by this deponent Dudley Brannan who I certify is a responsible witness, and that his statements...given under my hand this 23rd day of June 1841.  S. L. Cram, J.P.  (Signed) Dudley Brannan




            State of Illinois, Morgan County, S.S:  Personally appeared before the subscriber, Justice of the Peace within and for said County, John Chrisman, Michael Chrisman and Samuel L. Crune(?) who being severally sworn in __ form of law, deposed as follows: that they were full acquainted with Isham Bobbitt for many years before his death, and know that he was a pensioner of the United States and that his pension was allowed him on account of his services in the Revolutionary War.  Said Isham Bobbitt departed this life on or about the twenty fifth day of March in the Year one thousand eight hundred and thirty six.  They each say that they cannot state positively the day on which said Bobbitt died.  The said John Chrisman and Michael Chrisman state they were at the burial of the said Isham Bobbitt and know that he died about the time above stated.  The said Samuel L. Crune(?) states that he resided about half a mile from the place where said Isham Bobbitt died and remembers well the time of his death, but he cannot state the day of the month.  He is satisfied knowing that he died in the month above stated.  The said John Chrisman further stated that the day before the death of said Isham is aforesaid, he made a power of attorney, authorizing and __ to ­­ pension __ on the fourth of March 1836.  And this said deponents each stated that Elizabeth Bobbitt the widow of said Isham is still living.  They know that she is the widow of said Isham.  She lived with him at the time and for many years before his death as his wife.  They each believe that she was his lawful wife.  (signed) John Chrisman, Michael Chrisman, S. L. Crune. 



            State of Illinois, Morgan County, October twenty ninth day of September one thousand eight hundred and forty three, personally appeared before the Subscriber, a Justice of the Peace within and for said County, Elizabeth Bobbitt of said County aged eighty seven years, who being first duly sworn...makes for following declaration to obtain the benefits...that she is the widow of Isham Bobbitt who was a soldier during the Revolutionary war, and to whose pension war granted....   She further states that a pension was granted to her as the widow of said Isham Bobbitt for the time of five years under the provision of the act of congress allowing five years half pay to the widows of pensioners who died after obtaining their pension certificates.  ...She further declared that she is still a widow and has not been married since his death of her deceased husband.  Subscribed said services before me, this 29th of September 1843, (name of J.P. unreadable).  Signed: Elizabeth (her "X" mark) Bobbitt.


            State of Illinois, Morgan County S.S:  Michael Chrisman of Scott County, Illinois and John Chrisman of Morgan County, Illinois being __ __ , state that they were personally acquainted with Elizabeth Bobbitt who has signed and sworn to the foregoing declaration and have been acquainted with her for upwards of twenty years, they were also personally acquainted with Isham Bobbitt before his death who was her husband.  Said Elizabeth and Isham lived together as man and wife to the knowledge of deponents more than twenty years, that said Elizabeth has not had any other husband to their knowledge or belief.  They also know the fact that said Isham was a Revolutionary pensioner at the time of his death, and that said Elizabeth is his widow, and has never been married since his death.   Subscribed and sworn to before me by the subscribers...__ day of September 1843.  (name of J.P> unreadable) Singed: Michael Chrisman, John Chrisman.


            #4284 Illinois – "Elizabeth Bobbitt, widow of Isham Bobbitt, N.C. who was a Private and Sergeant in the North Carolina Line.  Inscribed on the roll at the rate of 47 dollars and 50 cents per annum, to commence on the 4th date of March 1843.  Certificate of Pension issued the 9th day of January 1844 and sent to Jacksonville, Illinois."



            Query from Mrs. James C. Miller, 115 South Garth, Columbia, Missouri dated 17 January 1929 entered into pension records of Isham Bobbitt:


            Dear Sir:  I am very anxious to learn if there is any record of a pension having been granted to James Thompson of Pa. for service in the Continental Army.  Am also interested in establishing Isham Bobbitt as a soldier of the Revolutionary Army and am told that he was a "Revolutionary pensioner."  These two men went to Kentucky in 1803 settling in Christian County, where John, the son of James, married Amy the daughter of Isham Bobbitt.  They were both, I think, from Lancaster County, Pa., although I may be mistaken about their place of residence.  Any information you can find from Pension records will be greatly appreciated.  Mrs. James C. Miller.


            Response for E.W. Moran, Acting Commissioner, 15 April 1929:




            I advise you from the papers in the Revolutionary War pension claim W.24709, it appears that Isham Bobbitt or Bobbett was born May 3, 1754 in Granville County (that part which was later Warren County), North Carolina.


            While a resident of Warren County, North Carolina, he enlisted January 1, 1780 and served five months as First Sergeant in Captain Christmus' Company, Colonel Allen's North Carolina Regiment.


            Afterwards, he worked three months making saddles and repairing army wagons, in the Quartermaster Department under Colonel Long, until in January 1781 when he volunteered, served two months as a private in Captain George Nasworthy's Company, Colonel Williams' North Carolina Regiment and was at the Battle of Guilford, and in an engagement at Ramsour's Mill, then about April 1, 1781 he joined Captain Harris' Company, Colonel Reed's North Carolina Regiment and served until July 1, 1781 when he was discharged.


            He volunteered the middle of September 1781 and served three months as forage master under Captain Twitty in the North Carolina Troops and was at the surrender of Cornwallis.


            He was allowed pension on his application executed September 3, 1832 while a resident of Morgan County, Illinois.  He died March 25, 1836 in said Morgan County.


 Soldier married October 12, 1774 or 1775, about twenty-five miles from Halifax, North Carolina, Elizabeth whose maiden name is not given.  She was allowed pension on her application executed June 10, 1840 while a resident of Morgan County, Illinois, aged eighty-four years.


            Their children were: Winny, William, Allen (both these sons dead in 1840).  Stephen the fourth child born November 21, 1779 and living in Pike County, Illinois in 1840, Fanny, Anny (or Anna), John, Isham (or Isom), Salley, Elizabeth, and Nancy.


            John Chrisman, a son-in-law, was living in Morgan County, Illinois in 1841; it is not stated which daughter he married.


            The above note Isham Bobbitt or Bobbett is the only soldier of that name found on the Rev. War records of this bureau.


E.W. Morgan

Acting Commissioner



(11). Census Records for Bobbitt


1790 U.S. Census of Spartanburg County, South Carolina:


            Isham Bobbit: 2 males 16+, 5 males <16, 5 females all ages


1800 U.S. Census of Spartanburg County, South Carolina


            Allen Bobbit 1 male 0<10; 1 male + 1 female 16-<26

            “Isram Bobbett,” 1 male + 2 females 0-<10; 2 females 10-<16; 3 males + 1 female 16-<26; 1 female 26-<46; 1 male 45+.


1810 U.S. Census of Christian County, Kentucky:


Isham Bobbit: 1 male and 1 female 16-<26; 2 females 26-<45; 2 parents 45+ , Image 3. Next to him is:


John Bobbit:  2 males 0-<10; 1 male 16-<26; 1 female 26-<45; 1 male 45+, on the same page is:


William Bobbit:  1 male and 1 female 0-<10; 1 female 16-<26; 1 male 26-<45.


Nancy Bobbit:  1 male and 1 female 16-<26; 1 female 26-<45.  (Image 28).  Wife of Allen Bobbitt, deceased 1809.


Steven Bobbit:  1 male 26-<45.


1820 U.S. Census of Christian County, Kentucky


            Stephan Bobbett: 1 male + 3 females 0-<10; 2 females 16-<26; 1 male 26-<45. Image 7 of


            John Bobbett:  4 males + 1 female 0-<10; 2 males + 1 female 10-<16; 1 female 16-<26; 1 female 26-<45, 1 male 26-<45 (image 9)


1830 U.S. Census of Morgan County, Illinois


            Stephen Bobbitt: 1 male 0-<5; 3 males 5-<10; 1 female 10-<15; 1 male + female 20-<30; 1 female 30-<40; 1 male 50-<60. (page 93, image 77)


            William J. Bobbitt:  1 male + 1 female 0-<5; 2 males 5-<10; 1 male + 2 females 10-<15; 2 females 15-<20; 1 male 20-<30; 1 female 30-<40; 1 male 50-<60 (page 94). 


            John Christman: 2 males 0-<5; 1 male + 2 females 5-<10; 2 males 10-<15; 1 female 15-<20; 1 male 20-<30; 1 male + 1 female 30-<40; 1 male + 1 female 70-<80.

(Page 94.)  The oldest must be Isham and Elizabeth Bobbitt.


Christian County, Kentucky Tax List for Bobbitts


             Numbering varies but 12345; 1- means white males 21+; 2 – white males 16-21, 3- blacks 16+; 4- total blacks, 5-horses, mares, cattle.  If 1234 only, then there is no listing of white males 16-21.  Information from Hopkinsville Library copy of records.


1804:  William J. Bobbitt; 10001; 200 acres, Tradewater River

           John Bobbitt 10001; 200 acres, Tradewater River

1805:  Original records were damaged, so only names of taxpayers are given

            Isam Bobbet; Stephen Bobbet; William Bobbet; John Bobbet – all north district

1806:   Stephen Bobbet, 10001 – 200 acres, Tradewater

            Allin Bobbet, 10000 – 400 acres, Tradewater

           William Bobbet, 00000 – 100 acres T.W., 200 T.W., 400 Tradewater (T.W.)

            Isom Bobbet, 10002 – 250 acres Tradewater, 200 Tradewater

            John Bobbet, 10004 – 150 acres Tradewater

1807:   John Bobbit 10001 – 200 acres Tradewater

            William Bobbit 10003 – 160 T.W.; 200 T.W.; 400 acres Tradewater

            Stephan Bobbit 10001 --  --

            Isom Bobbet 11001 – 250 T.W.; 144 acres Tradewater

1808:   Isom Bobbit, 11005 – 200 acres Tradewater, West District

            William Bobbit, 10002 – 100 acres, --, East District

            Stephen Bobbit, 10003 -- --, East District

1809:   John Bobbet, 1003, 200 acres, Tradewater, west district

            Abner Bobbett, 1003, -- --, east district

            Stephan Bobbitt, 1001, --, --, east district

1810:   Stephen Bobbitt, 1000, -- --

            Isham Bobbitt, 1000, 178 Tradewater


1811:   Stephen Bobbitt, 10001 -- --

            William Bobbitt, 10001 10 Tradewater

            Isham Bobbitt, 10000, -- --

            John Bobbitt, 10004, 200 Tradewater

1812:   Isham Bobbit, Jr. 1001, 20 Pond River (? wrong river ?)

            Isham Bobbit, Sr. 1000 -- --

            Stephen Bobbit, 1001 -- --

1813:   Isham Bobbit, Jr. 1002 -- --

            Isham Bobbit, Sr. 1000, 10 acres Tradewater

            John Bobbet, 1003, 20 acres Tradewater

            William Bobbet, 1001, -- --

1814:   Isham Bobbett, 1002 -- --   (doesn’t indicate Jr. or Sr.)

            Isham Bobbett 1001, 10 acres Tradweater

1815:   Isham Bobbit, Jr. 1001, -- --

            Stephen Bobbit, 1003 -- --

            John Bobbit, 1003, 200 acres Tradewater

1816:   John Bobbett, 1002, -- --

            Stephan Bobet, 1003 -- --

            John Bobbet, 1004, 200 acres Tradewater

1817:   Stephan Bobbit 1003, -- --  Exact surname spelling not copied for 1817-1821

            John Bobbitt, 1003, 200 acres Tradewater

1818:   John Bobbitt, 1005, 200 acres Tradewater

1819:   Stephan Bobbitt, 1002, -- --

            John Bobbitt, 1005, 200 acres Tradewater


1821:   Isham Bobbitt, 1002 -- --

            Stephan Bobbitt, 1002, -- --

1822:   Isham Bobbett, 1000 -- --

               End of Tax record book available at time